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  • 月薪30000~33000元 台南市仁德區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    1. 國內外出貨與出口報關等相關事務 2. 訂單排程追蹤、出貨交期確認等事項 3. 決定貨物裝運之方法,預訂船期及準備提貨單、裝箱單及其他相關文件 4. 協助業務人員處理客人需求 例: 文件寄送、樣品、型錄、參展、報價等 5 業務部門之公司內部行政作業 6. 主管交辦事宜或部門相關事務
  • 月薪28590~30000元 台南市仁德區 1年工作經驗 2天前更新
    1.協助處理廠內五金零件及庶務用品採購、機台報修聯絡、產銷協調等行政事務 2.庫存盤點、倉儲管理與出貨包裝安排 3.協助確認品質、成本管控、進度跟催及生產資料建檔 4.部門支出應付帳款處理 5.負責物料進口驗收及協助下腳料回收 6.其他主管交辦事項
  • 月薪29000元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    【您會負責的事務】 1. 協助處理訂單作業、交期及進度追蹤、出貨相關之管控與文書處理資料建檔等公司內部行政作業。 2. 行政庶務處理及各部門溝通協調。 3. 進出口貨運安排。 4. 協助業務團隊處理相關銷售之事務。 5. 其他主管交辦事項。
  • 月薪30000~35000元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 11天前更新
    1.Email書信往來、維持客戶關係 2.負責產品訂單處理、文件製作與定期歸檔 3.追蹤產品交期、安排貨物與樣品寄送
  • 月薪32000~35000元 高雄市鼓山區 1年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 負責追蹤並執行餐飲部主管交辦事項 2.負責會議紀錄、資料蒐集建檔、及其他例行性工作 3. 負責跨部門協調工作 4. 其他臨時交辦之事務。 5. 具飯店相關工作經驗 6. 具英文對話能力
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市鹽埕區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    (A) 櫃台交易處理 1. 處理現金、支票、國內外匯款及外匯交易。 2.為客戶提供櫃台服務。 3.處理開戶/ 銷戶、存款/ 放款相關程序。 4.得管理櫃檯現金運轉,通過對現金、貴重物品、金庫/鑰匙和密碼的有效監控和保管來實行分行交易運作。 (B) 推銷銀行產品/ 服務 1.在處理櫃台交易時,辨別潛在客戶並將其引薦給銷售人員,在適當情況下向客戶交叉銷售銀行產品。 (C) 客戶體驗管理 1.按照銀行要求的服務標準,為客戶提供優質的服務。 2.處理和跟進客戶的查詢、要求和交易,以確保客戶滿意度。 (D) 稽核和合規監控 1.遵守銀行的政策、標準、操作準則/ 規程、保安和內部控制及合規措施。 2.遵守政府和金管會制定的規則和規定。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市東區 5年工作經驗 6天前更新
    - Ensure smooth operation on a daily basis - Maintain a high performing team - Supervise the team in the maintenance of guest rooms and replenish room supplies - Ensure quality assurance standards are met at all times - Ensure the quality of service delivered is compliant with hotel guidelines and policies - Takes pride in being a hotelier - Enjoys interacting with people - Preferably has relevant experience with an International 5 star Hotel Group - Communicates with fluency in English (as well as the local language) - Is a friendly, helpful and trustworthy leader - Has strong interpersonal and communication skills - 5 years Housekeeping management experience with at least two years in same capacity
  • 月薪30000~35000元 台南市安南區 2年工作經驗 2天前更新
    Job Descriptions 1) Order follow up & shipping arrangement will be advantageous 2) Good English & Mandarin & PC knowledge 3) Deal with sales routine, such as filing, price offer, negotiation the payment terms & delivery schedules with customers. 4) Handle general administrative duties 5) Manage daily incoming and outgoing mails and courier services (local and overseas) 6) Coordinate general admin tasks 7) Knowledge in using ERP system would be a definite advantage. 8) Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed. **Immediate available is preferable
  • 月薪70000元 高雄市大寮區 5年工作經驗 1天前更新
    #Job Summary: The CNC Manager is responsible for overseeing the CNC department, ensuring the efficient operation of CNC machines for mass production, and managing the CNC team. The ideal candidate will have strong technical knowledge of CNC machinery, production processes, and leadership skills to drive production goals, maintain quality standards, and ensure the timely delivery of products. #Key Responsibilities: 1. CNC Operations Management: - Oversee daily operations of CNC machines, including programming, tooling, and machining processes. - Coordinate with production and engineering teams to ensure timely and efficient workflow. - Monitor the performance of CNC equipment, ensuring regular maintenance, troubleshooting, and repairs are conducted to minimize downtime. - Optimize machining processes for efficiency and cost reduction while maintaining high quality. 2. Team Leadership & Development: - Lead and manage a team of CNC operators, programmers, and technicians. - Provide technical guidance and hands-on support to the team. - Conduct training programs to enhance the team’s CNC skills and knowledge. - Evaluate team performance and provide feedback, mentoring, and professional development opportunities. 3. Project Management: - Manage CNC production schedules, ensuring deadlines are met while maintaining quality standards. - Collaborate with other departments (e.g., engineering, quality, procurement) to ensure seamless integration of CNC processes into overall production. - Work closely with project managers to ensure CNC aspects of projects are on track. 4. Quality Assurance: - Implement quality control processes to monitor the accuracy and consistency of CNC-produced parts, including CMM inspection. - Identify and resolve any production issues or defects in coordination with the quality assurance team. - Conduct regular audits and implement corrective measures for continuous improvement. 5. Cost & Resource Management: - Oversee resource allocation, including materials, tooling, and labor to ensure cost-effectiveness. - Manage budgets related to CNC operations, including equipment purchases and maintenance. - Analyze and report on production efficiency, cost-saving opportunities, and department performance. 6. Continuous Improvement: - Stay updated on industry trends and advancements in CNC technology. - Drive process improvements by implementing new machining technologies, tools, or methodologies. - Ensure compliance with safety standards and procedures in the CNC department. - Plan and implement factory automation and workforce reduction strategies. - Ensure compliance with safety standards and procedures in the CNC department.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市鼓山區 2年工作經驗 4天前更新
    1. 人力排班管理及調派,現場督導管理 2. 餐飲營業器皿及營業器具申請採購 3. 餐飲部病媒防治督導 4. 廢棄物管理及申報作業 5. 熟悉GHP 及HACCP 系統實務各項規定及管理 6. 教育訓練管理 7.須配合輪班
  • 月薪30000元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 7天前更新
    1.銷售產品、介紹磁磚、工地丈量、售後服務相關業務、協助處理門市相關事務。 2.基本行政庶務、文書處理、網頁經營管理 3.完成主管交辦事項 4.維護環境整潔 5.需會開車 無經驗可,需對工作有熱忱想學習的心態與責任感
  • 月薪28590~35000元 高雄市鼓山區 1年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1. 聯繫廠商並追蹤修繕進度。 2. 負責接聽電話及訪客接待。 3. 協助主管工程分包、請購、請款等相關作業。 4. 協助工地物料管理,如:工具管理、進貨驗收、庫存盤點。 5. 負責工程進度、工程日報等工程相關資料彙整及檔案管理。 6. 配合製作發包、委外協議資料及圖說整理、材料需求請購。 7. 負責工程事務,如:送審資料、竣工資料、每日作業表單申請、請款、檔案管理)。 8. 思考邏輯佳、溝通能力優、工作態度熱忱積極負責!
  • 月薪29000~40000元 高雄市鼓山區 1年工作經驗 4天前更新
    1. 行銷類文書處理 2. 會議記錄與安排行程 (協助總經理完成客戶訂單)
  • 月薪28590元 台南市仁德區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
  • 倉管小精靈,用速度與效率刷新出貨速度