
  • 月薪30000~65000元 屏東縣屏東市 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    ★負責貨件收送作業。 ☆裝卸貨物,並妥善打包。 ★負責區域客戶開發、客戶關係維護、市場資訊或顧客意見蒐集。 ☆需具備重型機車駕照。
  • 月薪45000元 高雄市苓雅區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1. 依據菜單準備相關的食材 2. 將食材清洗並做簡單的處理備用 3. 根據顧客的點單進行烹調 4. 清理以及保養設備 福利: 每天上班時間八小時 享勞健保 高額業績獎金 三節獎金 完善升遷制度
  • 月薪38000~45000元 高雄市鼓山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    【舞古賀涮涮屋】是高品質涮涮鍋料理,主打頂級新鮮食材、高貴不貴,並且希望每位賓客用餐時都能感受到賓至如歸的服務品質,若你也跟我們環抱餐飲熱誠與理念,歡迎加入我們! 高雄華榮店:-(外/內場-正職) 優秀人才強力募集中! 歡迎電洽:人事楊先生0960-775-527 一、「我們的休假和薪資福利」 1、我們月休6~8天(排休)。 2、公司提供勞健保。 3、通過考核的正職同仁,每月提撥分紅獎金,薪資約40000-42000。 4、上班時間 兩頭班AM11:00~PM2:30 中間休息 PM5:00~PM10:00 二、「職涯發展」 1、若無經驗也可以,我們提供完整的培訓,讓你在最快時間上手。 2、我們是一個發展中的團隊,若您願意學習,通過考核成為幹部,我們提供良好的晉升管道。 3、完整加薪/獎金制度,調薪不用憑感覺,有能力、肯打拼,通過考核就加薪,努力看的見;三節獎金、年終獎金、績效分紅獎金。 正職人員:若通過考核,薪資約38000~42000 管理幹部待遇:薪資約42000~45000 店長待遇:薪資50000以上。 4、內部開店:如果有展店的規劃,會優先考慮表現優秀的夥伴。 ◆外場工作內容: (1) 看到客人即主動招呼、帶位,讓客人感受到賓至如歸的服務! (2) 善盡「呷好道相報」的精神!大方地向客人推薦新鮮又好吃的餐點吧~~ (3) 為客人送上鮮美餐點,並適時關心客人的用餐狀況。 (4) 隨時留意客人的需求,因為我們相信多一份體貼,就多一份溫暖! (5) 保持店內及工作區域的美觀、整潔、乾淨。 (6) 替客人結帳的同時,用微笑相約再次相見! (7) 與夥伴相互合作,共創1加1大於2的團隊效益! ◆內場工作內容: (1) 洗菜、切菜是基本功,每天都要好好練功。 (2) 烹煮湯底和菜色擺盤是為一鍋鮮美的料理做好準備! (3) 小心謹慎地使用切肉機切下肉片,確保食物衛生更要保護自己。 (4) 學會處理活海鮮不只是一門技術,更是一門藝術! (5) 將餐具及器材清潔乾淨也是食品衛生的重要環節。 (6) 與夥伴相互合作,共創1加1大於2的團隊效益! ◆勞保、健保、三節獎金、尾牙或春酒 ◆提供員工制服、供膳、員工用餐折扣 ◆介紹親友到職通過試用期即享有獎勵金→正職3000元、兼職1500元 ◆業績衝越高、獎金就賺越多! ◆員工教育訓練、進修補助 ◆國內、外員工旅遊
  • 月薪35000~40000元 高雄市大寮區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.協助工程師硬體開發 2.樣品PCB及測試相關製作工作 3.製作檢測治具及產品量測與軟硬功能驗證 4.協助教育訓練工作及文件編寫 5.主管交辦任務
  • 月薪35000元 高雄市岡山區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    可直接電洽07-6282700蔡先生 - 1.鍛造機模具裝配和尺寸調整 2.生產過程中尺寸和外觀自主檢驗 3.一模和多模鍛造機操作
  • 月薪35000元 屏東縣屏東市 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.依據施工圖,辨別材料特性,選擇適合的焊接方式及填料、焊條,進行金屬加工工序 2.檢測焊道,以目視檢查焊道是否有穿焊、焊蝕、滲透不足、裂紋等缺陷 3.執行各種鋁製品及金屬架構電焊/燒焊/組裝工程 4.執行金屬架構預組工程
  • 月薪34000元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.運送貨物並保護貨物的完整。 2.配合業務及公司需求做外勤之服務與支援(包含簡易維修) 3.主管交辦事項的執行及回報。
  • 1111南台灣職場小語


  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市三民區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
  • 月薪30000元 高雄市苓雅區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
  • 月薪37700~47000元 高雄市永安區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    本家園徵求夜間教保員,薪資為37,000-47,000元,歡迎大專校院醫學、護理、復健、職能治療、物理治療、教育、特殊教育、社會、社會工作、社會福利、輔導、心理、兒童及少年福利、幼保、早期療育、聽力、語言治療、老人照顧、長期照顧相關科、系、所、學位學程畢業。無專業證照、應屆畢業無經驗––可接受公司培訓者亦可。 負責業務為:身心障礙者生活自理功能教學、休閒娛樂課程、體適能運動、肢體復健活動、個別服務計畫撰寫擬訂與活動紀錄等工作業務 享有以下福利: 1. 勞保、健保、退休金提撥。 2. 每年享有免費健康檢查一次。 3. 每日享有免費美味午餐 4. 享有員工及兒女獎學金,德智體群美皆可申請。 5. 享有每年員工旅遊及不定期多次聚餐。 6. 享有生日禮金。 7. 享有三節禮金。 8. 享有年終獎金。 9.工作滿試用期後,享有全年365天含休假期間之高額意外保險。意外住院門診醫療費用皆可申請。 10.本機構組織計有5個相關事業單位,升遷機會多,有企圖心者更有升任主管機會。
  • 月薪33000~36500元 高雄市苓雅區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1. 大學視光或相關科系畢業,具驗光師證書者 2. 門診及驗光檢查作業、諮詢服務 3. 手術前/後衛教說明及諮詢 4. 協助使用眼科檢查儀器
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市左營區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    Job Summary for Human Resources Manager Under the direction of the Head of School, the Human Resources Manager (HRM) is responsible for the administration of all aspects of the employment of the faculty and staff, local and expatriate at KAS. The HRM will maintain and enhance the organization‘s human resources by designing, implementing, and refining employee relations and human resources policies, programs and practices. In collaboration with KAS senior administration and the other staff, the HRM will participate in the process of hiring, contract issuance, working and residence permit applications, staff performance appraisal, contract completion and various other details related to policies and practices of employee contractual obligations at KAS. The HRM will advise senior administration on matters pertaining to employment law to ensure compliance with relevant national regulations. The position requires a highly organized and detail-oriented person with excellent interpersonal skills, who can operate with a high degree of confidentiality and discretion. The HR Manager will support all employees in accordance with the values and policies of Kaohsiung American School. At KAS, we are committed to child protection. All applicants are required to provide accurate, detailed and verifiable information about their employment history, including any aspects of their past or profile that could affect our reputation or the well-being of our community. All successful candidates are also expected to understand and adhere to KAS’s Code of Professional Conduct. Job Requirements: • Relevant BA degree from an accredited institution • Three years of experience in HR or other management positions • Fluency in Mandarin and English at a high level: speaking, reading and writing Primary Responsibilities: • Develop clear processes and procedures on employment related matters, and, in consultation with senior administration, provide advice to all employees on such matters; o Provide the necessary support systems for payroll requirements; o Prepare clear processes and procedures and provide advice to employees on resignation/retirement/termination related matters; o Develops and maintains the School’s employee policies and procedures, employee handbook and employee forms; o Oversee the annual holidays schedule; • Maintain accurate records of leave and other contractual entitlements for all current staff, ensure appropriate record-keeping and archiving of personnel documents of the employees according to KAS and national data protection practices; • Develop, organize and maintain in consultation with the finance director and head of school, job descriptions, contracts, and employment frameworks for the school; • Coordinate, in consultation with others, advertising of position vacancies and the subsequent communications with candidates and newly hired employees during the hiring and induction processes; • Support expat staff and their family members with the procurement and maintenance of required visas, work and residence permits for their employment at KAS; • Support the onboarding and assimilation of newly hired teachers to work at Kaohsiung American School and to life in Kaohsiung; • Coordinate shipment-related issues for the arriving and departing staff; • Manage the allocation of housing and relocation benefits and provide support to employees during this process; • Assist school senior administrators in annual new teacher orientation. • Coordinate the implementation of the appraisal processes for all staff including creation and implementation as required performance improvement plans (PIP) for individual employees; • Provide or coordinate relevant training to school staff, and track completion of required training such as safety, first aid, use of AEDs, child protection and more; • Manage regular payroll and compensation and benefit surveys to inform business manager of relevant comparative market data; • Ensures legal compliance by monitoring and implementing applicable government laws; • Ensure the school’s processes are in compliance with all relevant legislation and prepare staff information reports as per the local government’s request; • Advises and consults with Head of School and relevant leadership team members to resolve and/or diffuse employee relations issues; • Oversees and directly engages in the resolution of delicate employee matters and seeks at all times to protect the School’s best interest; • Monitors and submits insurance claims related to worker’s compensation; • Maintains management guidelines by preparing, updating, and recommending human resource policies and procedures; • Maintains professional and technical knowledge; • Perform other duties as required by the Head of School. Job Responsibilities Related to Onboarding New Faculty 1. Work with the Schoolwide Management Team to develop a checklist of communications and steps required for onboarding new local hire and overseas hire teachers; 2. Develop a Google folder of links and resources to share with newly hired teachers, including potential apartments; 3. Liaise with leaving faculty to help transfer household goods to new teachers after they’ve been sold; 4. With the leadership team, develop and coordinate orientation events for the new teacher orientation, such as visits to hospitals, shopping trips, sightseeing and social events; 5. Provide guidance to expatriate staff on personal emergency situations; develop systems and a network of technical support for housing maintenance. Job Responsibilities Related to Expat Housing 1. Develop a database for current KAS housing, including features for each location (distance to school, proximity to nightlife, accessibility to public transport etc.), size & number of bedrooms, parking availability, monthly rental price, etc.; 2. Check available apartments with departing faculty and look for apartments with agents’ assistance; 3. Record video for each available and suitable
  • 月薪42000~44000元 高雄市小港區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.機上型天車 2.吊運鋁胚 3.作業單純
  • 月薪30000~32000元 台南市東區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    大必佳並非只為考試而生的升學補習班,也不是只求開心與輕鬆的托育中心;我們以多年經驗設計的系統,是為了讓孩子能一路打好基礎,未來成為真正能將語言運用自如的「使用者」。我們還要由上而下以正向態度感染孩子,讓孩子由內而外自發性的產生學習動力!   大必佳深耕台南近40年,為提供優質的工作環境及完善的師資培訓,我們皆為直營校的方式經營,並定期提供一系列完整的在職訓練,讓你一步一步穩定地成為一位優秀的老師。   我們想徵求對英文教育及孩子學習有熱情的你,一起來為台灣的英語盡一份力。 ※工作內容: 1. 課程介紹 2. 櫃檯文書工作、簡單電腦操作 3. 接待學生&家長、處理學生事務問題 4. 環境清潔 5. 主管其他交辦事項 6 .愉快地享用晚餐。 ––––––––––––––––––––––- 公司福利: 1. 勞健保 2. 勞退提撥 3. 定期聚餐 4. 員工旅遊 5. 生日驚喜 6. 各種績效獎金 7. 三節禮品 8. 週休二日、國定假日、特休、年假,見紅就休! 9. 單純的工作環境、愉快的同事相處、完善的在職訓練
  • 2021知名大學 聯合校徵開跑啦!