
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市三重區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    此職務的目標是推動產品或服務的銷售,提高品牌知名度,以及滿足客戶需求。 工作內容如下: 1. 維護現有客戶的聯繫,了解他們的需求、解決問題,確保客戶滿意度。 2. 尋找潛在客戶、新客戶,擴大業務規模。 3. 提供產品或服務報價,並維護相關的銷售文檔,包括報價、合同、銷售報告等。 4. 監測市場趨勢,了解競爭環境,分析目標市場和潛在客戶的需求。 5. 與其他部門(如市場營銷、客戶服務、生產等)協作,保持良好的溝通,確保各項業務活動的協調順利進行。 LORRIC的噴嘴已為台灣的工業用噴嘴的第一品牌,在2015年踏入電子感測領域,陸續推出超音波流量計、蹼輪流量計,LORRIC已取得初步成果,為我們的品牌在更多的國家及領域打下堅實的基礎。現在,我們正在擴張團隊規模,希望藉由新成員加入,將各自的 know-how 凝聚出更強大產品力,現在團隊需要您,誠摯希望您能加入! 更多關於LORRIC的介紹 請瀏覽 https://www.lorric.com/tw
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市三重區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    此職務的目標是推動產品或服務的銷售,提高品牌知名度,以及滿足客戶需求。 工作內容如下: 1. 維護現有客戶的聯繫,了解他們的需求、解決問題,確保客戶滿意度。 2. 尋找潛在客戶、新客戶,擴大業務規模。 3. 提供產品或服務報價,並維護相關的銷售文檔,包括報價、合同、銷售報告等。 4. 監測市場趨勢,了解競爭環境,分析目標市場和潛在客戶的需求。 5. 與其他部門(如市場營銷、客戶服務、生產等)協作,保持良好的溝通,確保各項業務活動的協調順利進行。 6. 自備汽車 LORRIC的噴嘴已為台灣的工業用噴嘴的第一品牌,在2015年踏入電子感測領域,陸續推出超音波流量計、蹼輪流量計,LORRIC已取得初步成果,為我們的品牌在更多的國家及領域打下堅實的基礎。現在,我們正在擴張團隊規模,希望藉由新成員加入,將各自的 know-how 凝聚出更強大產品力,現在團隊需要您,誠摯希望您能加入! 更多關於LORRIC的介紹 請瀏覽 https://www.lorric.com/tw
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    Introduction to the job This is an intern position in the IT End User Service. The IT Intern is working within the IT TW region reporting to the IT Asia supervisor and will work closely with the other IT colleagues in the region. Maintaining company standard workplace application to ensure smooth running of daily business operation. Role and responsibilities To provide a high efficient IT support and troubleshooting service on timely manner Management & maintenance of information system (including hardware and software) - Work closely with global and regional service desk to fulfill end user requirement and needs - Deploy, maintain and troubleshoot on issues related to PC Request & Task fulfillment: PC installation, including new hire and life cycle replacement Task fulfillment , inventory management Ensure all IT Shop Tickets fulfillment within the stipulated SLA time frame
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    Role and responsibilities This role is to be capable of creating automation tools, such as Power BI, Power automate...etc. to make visible on current database in order to gain efficiency on daily operations in KM/Project team. No OT is required
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    Introduction to the job To support LK PLM administrative & handy operational tasks, details as followings: DE Special Part Request, DHL Priority GR Ticket, DHL Move Sloc Ticket, Intercompany PO (ICYPO), Factory Support Form (FSF), Monthly Declaration PR/PO convert, GRT Ticket and Scrap Form, DHL Move Stock Check, Demand Date Comparison, Intern Tasks Weekly Report, Demand Pre-Alert (Reservation), IRR Status Report, WH Tickets Report and other miscellaneous Tasks e.g. happy hour & brown bag lunch support, team and 1-1 meeting, workshop preparation. Role and responsibilities support SS&P Asia PLM general and administrative operations
  • 月薪44000~45000元 新北市中和區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    職務內容: 綜理社區各項事務執行、行政庶務、各會議召開執行,休假依政府相關規定辦理。
  • 月薪32000元 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    1. People Operations - Process owner of Employee On/Offboarding - Participate in the development and implementation of employee engagement initiatives - Maintain accurate and up-to-date records in employee files, ATS - Ensure compliance with all applicable employment laws and regulations - Support in payroll, insurance, and other company benefits - Collaborate across teams on other People Operations special projects - Support and execute HR-related initiatives. 2. Office Management - Responsible for the reception duties (including drivers inquiries) - Responsible for office administration, acts as purchaser for office supplies and liaises with suppliers - Perform related duties as assigned
  • 1111南台灣職場小語


  • 月薪30000~35000元 新北市中和區 無工作經驗 2天前
    1. 門市銷售資訊網路發表及回覆電子平台之問與答、信箱問題。 2. 網路平台訂單處理。 3. 客服電話接聽與處理。 4. 退換貨處理相關流程。 5. 維護賣場評價及售後服務。 6. 網站後台系統操作(商品上架/活動設定/商品庫存管理) 、即時文案訊息更新、競網比價等。 7. 平台促案規劃溝通,業績銷量提升 8. 負責商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔工作。 9. 簡單產品攝影、後製。 10. 主管交辦事項處理。 11. 熟悉相機及產品者優先錄用。 12. 熱誠認真的學習精神與態度,熟電腦之操作、個性活潑開朗、配合度高。
  • 月薪30000~38000元 新北市淡水區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    雖然這是一份內勤工作,但因你辛勤付出與協助,所以門市業績獎金也有內勤的一份喔.... 工作內如; 1.核對門店每日日報表,查核業績與貨物金額是否準確 2.業績報表登記、計算 3.員工薪資計算、人事資料整理、申辦勞健保業務 4.辦理銀行現金存款、提款、匯款、轉帳作業。 5.管理零用金異動及撥補作業。 6. 完成例行付款開票及電子支付作業。 7.審核有關各項費用支付之發票、單據及帳務處理。 8.協助倉庫主管整理貨物 9.有104報表、申報營業稅、營所稅等各項稅務能力佳.... 辦公室為無菸社區,癮君子不合適
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    Introduction Do you like challenges and have a strong customer oriented mindset? Join us and work in a fast pacing supply chain environment to support some of the biggest semiconductor companies worldwide. Job Mission You fulfill the demand of TW region for spare parts and tools for their maintenance activities on some of the most complex machines in the right quantity and at the right time & cost. The RP planner will provide reports and drive improvements together with the management team, operational teams, and key stakeholders. Job Description As the RP planner, your role includes: •Develop, implement, and maintain state-of-the art CSCM reports and dashboards for the stakeholders •Translate/refine requirements and visualize data into information that can be used to take appropriate action •Continuously improve information services in line with stakeholder needs, attunement of implementation planning and hands-on assistance •Work proactively with other stakeholders, e.g. CSCM FO and CS
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    Job Mission With capability of skills on basic data analysis systematically on Quality related metrics and KPI Perform routine Quality check and inspection with existing standard in production lines Validation of improvement actions in MFG and work instruction execution Role & Responsibility Quality control activities, IPQC, Q-gate, Incoming Quality check, Stock purge MN data collection and content justification regarding MRB flow and way of working Routine report, MN progress, MCB and weekly update MQ Share point creation and maintenance SPC IT issue escalation Meeting organization Team engagement event
  • 月薪30000~40000元 桃園市蘆竹區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    我的樂活生活館全台獨一無二複合式健康樂活俱樂部! 為您量身打造全方位的配套及專屬運動專業服務 讓您享受健康、活力、美麗,三個願望一次滿足 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M15S_JBOQrw 公司形象影片 電話聯繫客戶 安排客戶預約課程 現場環境整理 接待迎賓倒遞茶水 吧檯製作 咖啡 果汁
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    Introduction to the job We are seeking an intern to join our team as a Operational Excellence (OE) Assistant. The OE Assistant will provide administrative support to senior management and other staff members within the APAC IT organization. This position will be responsible for scheduling meetings, preparing documents and reports, and other tasks as required. Role and responsibilities Coordinate schedules among management team members and plan the logistics of each meeting Prepare important documents for reports, meetings and memos Assist with research and writing reports, or independently writing reports on behalf of upper-level management Organize and plan all department outings and events Support financial activities – budgeting, procurement, expenses tracking and data analysis
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 2天前
    .1 訂單輸入ERP及追蹤客戶訂單 .2 依訂單交期及產線產能安排生產排程 .3 指示出貨人員出貨排程 .4 客戶及供應商溝通聯繫 .5 公司使用鼎新SmartERP、鼎新SFT
  • 2021知名大學 聯合校徵開跑啦!