
  • 時薪185~190元 宜蘭縣礁溪鄉 工作經歷不拘 9天前
    1. 確保所指定的區域進行例行及定期的清潔並負責所分配服務區域的整潔。 2. 按照標準作業程序清潔及維護工作區域。 時段: A:07:00~14:30 B:14:30~23:00 ※免投履歷,可直接加入LINE,帳號為@964qvbfo(要記得加@
  • 時薪200~210元 雲林縣北港鎮 工作經歷不拘 9天前
    1.審度交通情況,遵守交通規則,駕駛車輛 2.接送工作人員及物品就定位 3.協助體檢相關作業 4.維護車輛整齊清潔、安全檢查
  • 月薪40000元 台北市大同區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    本職缺為短期聘用,期間為113年5月至113年9月 1.三天兩夜工作坊:由專業工作者帶領青少年認識氣候變遷對環境的影響、有效推動淨零碳排的方法、環境觀察。 2.為期三週的團體課程,包含參訪、社區宣導、倡議行動,以及成果展。 3.完成成果報告。 4.工作內容包括籌畫、執行、協助行政。
  • 月薪35500~42000元 屏東縣潮州鎮 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    1.裝卸貨物;將公司指派之貨物,安全迅速準確送達客戶處,交付貨物並進行簽收。 2.清潔車輛,並進行例行性安全檢查。 3.完成主管交辦事項。 4.無送貨時,需支援門市作業。
  • 月薪28000~30000元 高雄市仁武區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    1.公司文件檔案的建立及管理。 2.接聽電話、聯絡進出貨事宜。 3.協助處理庶務性行政工作,事務機器叫修維護。 4.根據貨物、商品的庫存量,執行請購作業。 5.每月物料詢價,紀錄詢價。 6.熟悉Microsoft Excel、Word。 7.追蹤工程文件。 8.負責外出送件、物件寄送及簡易銀行業務處理。 9.協助會計交辦事項。
  • 月薪39000~48000元 新北市瑞芳區 工作經歷不拘 5天前
    全勤流通管理股份有限公司-為專業配送理貨倉儲公司,協助全家便利商店重要子公司「全台物流」進行理貨、倉儲管理、運輸作業,民國94年成立至今,公司規模已超過700人,業務穩定並持續發展,誠摯邀請你的加入!! 【只要你能勝任】 ➽出貨商品確認、商品疊貨作業 ➽商品準點配送及客戶服務 ➽商品回收及相關單據填寫 ➽完成主管交辦事項 【儲備幹部】 提供優秀人才晉升機會,學習物流相關知識累積配送經驗 【多項津貼,只等你來】 ➽優渥配送津貼 ➽提供夜間加給(依工作時段提供) ➽依經營績效發放績效獎金 ➽大型車駕駛津貼!! 【專屬於你的上班時段】 【07:00~15:30】 我們提供完善的福利待遇及完整的培訓制度,希望能夠讓員工職場上發揮所長一同進步!如果你還在猶豫…不要猶豫了!全勤流通歡迎您的加入,成為我們的夥伴吧~
  • 月薪38000元 台北市中山區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    1. 協助規劃計畫網站及推動。 2. 辦理計畫所需之說明會、工作坊或成果展示會議。 3. 協助計畫執行與管理,繳交相關文件(如進度報告、簡報等)。 4. 負責政府委託相關資訊專案之管理與推廣。 5. 具備專案計畫書撰寫、簡報製作能力。
  • 1111南台灣職場小語


  • 時薪183~183元 台中市太平區 工作經歷不拘 1天前
    1.推送患者做檢查 2.行政文書整理 3.其他主管交辦事項
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • 時薪183元 桃園市龜山區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    For our Global Operations Center in Taiwan we are searching for IT Analyst within a Supply Chain Professionals environment. Time is of the essence to ensure a seamless production of our customers without interruptions on our machines with our IT processes. Willing to embrace a technical challenge in a fast-paced environment. Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders. You will be working as part of the technical arm of our business team, responsible for data analysis, VBA and SQL coding and coming up with innovative solutions to automate and aid business processes Logical thinker. Enjoys challenges; willing to take the initiative to learn by yourself to acquire new skills. Able to think as though there’s no box at all. Good communicator. We work closely with colleagues from around the world so good English communication skills are a plus. Any other additional language will be added points. Need to have the ability to resolve complex issues and drive improvements to further optimize processes. Constructive and reliable communication with worldwide stakeholders from all departments within ASML
  • 時薪205元 桃園市大溪區 工作經歷不拘 4天前
    ❤️穩定長期兼職的工作~ ⭐工作內容:單據掃描歸檔、轉運車開鎖放車、每日配送作業相關前置準備、 ⭐工作時間:23:00-08:00 (需要配合廠區加班) ⭐休假制度:月排休8天 ⭐上班地點:桃園市大溪區新光東路76巷22之2號 ⭐薪資制度:時薪205元(含全勤津貼) ⭐️公司制度⭐️ ✔️勞保 ✔️健保 ✔️勞退提撥 ✔️加班費 ✔️預支薪水 ✔️特休 ❤️公司福利❤️ ✔️三節獎金/禮品 ✔️員工健檢 ✔️員工內部介紹獎金 ✔️團保 ✔️員工制服 ✔️員購優待 ❤️其他應徵方式❤️️ ★公司官方line★ @528hodsk 🫵另有人員介紹獎金(2選1)🫵 🪄上班滿7天 無請假、早退、遲到 長工時❤️️💸發放500/元 兼職班❤️️💸發放300/元 🪄到職滿三個月 💸介紹獎金3000/元
  • 時薪183元 台中市西屯區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    For our Global Operations Center in Taiwan we are searching for IT Analyst within a Supply Chain Professionals environment. Time is of the essence to ensure a seamless production of our customers without interruptions on our machines with our IT processes. Willing to embrace a technical challenge in a fast-paced environment. Collaborating with internal and external stakeholders. You will be working as part of the technical arm of our business team, responsible for data analysis, VBA and SQL coding and coming up with innovative solutions to automate and aid business processes Logical thinker. Enjoys challenges; willing to take the initiative to learn by yourself to acquire new skills. Able to think as though there’s no box at all. Good communicator. We work closely with colleagues from around the world so good English communication skills are a plus. Any other additional language will be added points. Need to have the ability to resolve complex issues and drive improvements to further optimize processes. Constructive and reliable communication with worldwide stakeholders from all departments within ASML
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市南港區 工作經歷不拘 今天
    ★★★歡迎應徵投遞★★★ 1.提供客戶理財建議與規劃 2.金融商品銷售與諮詢等多樣化金融服務 3.歡迎無經驗者或應屆畢業生,對金融業有熱情、樂於接受挑戰者加入 4.透過專業培訓機制,培育成為獨當一面的財富管理領航員 ★本職位屬中信銀正式行員,享行員所有福利。
  • 時薪183元 新竹市東區 工作經歷不拘 3天前
    Responsibilities: 1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • 2021知名大學 聯合校徵開跑啦!