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  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市新市區 2年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1.執行公務駕駛業務,以確保行車安全並確實完成主管交付任務 。 2.執行日常管理及異常管控,各項專案配合執行。為組織儲備未來管理人才。 3.配合主管公務需求執行駕駛勤務 4.編製日常報表—洗車記錄表、油摺管理報表、工作日報表 5.定期維護車輛以確保行車安全 6.督導承商管理與廠區服務業務正常運作以提昇服務滿意度 7.客戶關係建立,維持與跨部門間良好互動。異常問題處理及客訴回覆 8.事務整合性業務之規劃與執行 9.督導並落實廠區服務之日常管理 10.溝通協調,承接任務以團隊合作提昇工作效率。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    熟悉現場操作流程,運用相關工具分析生產及機台狀況,及使用模擬系統預警日後生產瓶頸,並管理投片之狀況,以利產品於交期內完成。 分析生產及機台狀況,並給予正確之生產調配指令,以符合出貨需求. 協調PP及IE相關投片管理,以平衡相關機台Loading。 掌握瓶頸需求,以確保後續生產順暢。 追蹤產品交期,以達成客戶需求。 定期與領班、班員間面談,以隨時掌握班員狀況,並提早因應。
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1.Office coordinator work 2.Business support to Customer support (CS), and the relative activities associate with other sectors including Finance, Sales and Logistics 3.Office / GA support Job Description ●Business support : Option and special deal support Business administration & documentation support Support outlook calendar /Share Point site/ maintain mail group Support travel itineraries /arrange meeting Support meeting ●Office / GA support : Order office supplies CS supports (e.g. Easybuy PR creation for office/Fab supplies, visitors’ clean room item preparation supports) Office administration Data analysis / data monitoring and reporting Support teambuilding events
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    Hermes Microvision Inc. (HMI), an ASML company, has been committed to the research and development of the most advanced E-beam Inspection (EBI) tools and solutions for the leading semiconductor manufacturing fabs. As a PE intern, you will be co-work with Production Engineer to sustain manufacture quality and make production line stable. Job Description classify issue and help to inform competence owner to handle. Modify document base on DnE and PE release information. Sending Purchase Request and Order for tooling. Material sending to inventory Holding PE activity for team building Manpower for tooling assembly Maintain issues control list Participate in technology and process discussions
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    Planning & Control team is under the Regional Customer Support Operations Support department, driving the long-term operational strategy, execution and performance from the current to the targeted states to transcend the level of operation. The team members consist of 2 Capacity Planners and 8+ Service Coordinators to cover TW CS all sites.
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1. Assist Material handler: Collaborate with the Material Handler to ensure smooth material logistics, including inventory management and distribution. 2. Supporting CS daily operation for local leader assignment: Provide support for daily Customer Service operations, assisting with local leader assignments and ensuring efficient communication channels. 3. Weekly meeting hosting & assist: Host and assist in weekly meetings, ensuring logistical arrangements and coordination are seamless. 4. Group dinner hosting: Organize and host group dinners, fostering team camaraderie and positive work relationships. 5. Weekly report support and raw data material preparation: Support weekly reporting activities by preparing raw data materials, ensuring accuracy and completeness.
  • 時薪183元 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    Employee Relationship & Labor Compliance Intern - Tainan Role and responsibilities • support all EWC events and activities at preparation stage • update EWC planning and project calendar • maintain and update EWC SharePoint information including EWC activities, clubs data and pictures • help to generate the EWC related clips or photo videos. • handle the EWC routine administrative works
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市楠梓區 1年工作經驗 今天剛更新
  • 月薪30000~35000元 台南市新市區 2年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1.年度稽核計畫擬訂、執行及出具稽核報告。 2.不定期專案查核及追蹤。 3.內控與各項管理辦法之制(修)訂及執行。 4.配合母公司及會計師查核及資料準備。 5.主管交辦事項。
  • 面議(經常性薪資4萬/月含以上) 台南市新市區 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    工作內容: 1.半導體機械設備銷售及業務拓展 2.產品維修業務接洽及處理帳款回收相關事宜 3.客戶關係維繫 4.與日本原廠業務聯絡 5.簡報資料製作,計劃制定排程 需求條件: 1.語文能力為日語或英語擇一中等(TOEIC 750以上、日語N2以上) 2.具有銷售業務經驗者尤佳 3.需自備小客車 4.需配合高雄出差
  • 月薪30000~45000元 台南市善化區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.供酸設備安裝、測試、維修 2.機電工程監造 3.儀電系統設計 4.PLC程式撰寫 5.SCADA程式撰寫
  • 月薪27500~28500元 高雄市楠梓區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    【學年實習專案】助理管理師實習計劃 申請資格:科系不限,外文相關科系優,大四生(每週可請假一日返校修課) 實習期間:2024/7~2025/6 實習時間:常日班(8:00-17:00) 畢業後留任享有留任獎金(履約一年) 工作內容: 1.客服助理管理師: 2.人資助理管理師: 3.生管助理管理師 4.廠務處理管理師 實習期間表現優異者,畢業後將以轉任正職管理師
  • 月薪35000~59000元 高雄市前鎮區 工作經歷不拘 7天前更新
    ✻享萬元久任獎金,年資滿亦可加入員工持股會!!歡迎到廠應徵!! ✻大學以上另有學歷加給/年資滿+考績佳者可申請轉至工程單位、行政單位或直接晉升為站長 ✻面談時間:週一至週五上午08:30~11:00下午13:00~16:00,隨到隨談(4/4-4/7清明連假暫停) ✻到場面談即贈感恩禮物卡! 【一般技術員】 ①聘用方式:正職員工 ②職務班別:作四休二 或 作三休三(依貨量調整) ③工作時間:日班 7:20~19:20 夜班19:20-07:20,休息2小時、實際工時10小時(固定班別不需輪調喔~) ④工作餐點:公司補助,25元/餐;宵夜餐公司請!!! ⑤工作經驗:有電子廠經驗佳 ⑥工作內容:☑機台操作 ☑顯微鏡操作 ☑包裝生產相關事務處理 ⑦工作環境:需著全套無塵服 ⑧上班地點:高雄南一廠
  • 平日好好工作,假日好好休息!