• 月薪30000~65000元 新竹縣湖口鄉 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.清潔管理 2.保全管理 3.團膳管理 4.文書事務
  • 月薪32000~50000元 桃園市中壢區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.與生產相關各部門之溝通協調。 2.生產監控達成營運目標。 3.生產準確度提升,達成交期目標。 4.報表的製作及資料的運算。 5.具PCB、自動排程系統經驗(APS尤佳) 5.TOEIC 400分以上者尤佳。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東南亞越南 5年工作經驗 23天前更新
    1. 負責新產品開發項目,根據客戶需求制定新產品的開發計劃 2. 主導新產品的開發(NPI)及項目週期的進度管理,資源協調與分配及成本計算評估 3. 負責與客戶協調溝通(包括設計方案,生產進度,交期,售後狀況等)如期達成專案項目開發 4.工廠生產營運管理與生產相關資源調整 5.建立組織運作之機能及強化運作 6.行銷營運目標達成
  • 月薪28000~30000元 高雄市小港區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.負責電氣部門採購文書申請 2.物品送修單整理並轉至資材單位 3.部門備品管理 4.協助設備圖面資料整理 5.處理主管臨時交辦事項 6.工作地點在廠區內電氣部門
  • 月薪35000元 台中市潭子區 2年工作經驗 24天前更新
    1. 熟悉Infrastructure日常維運管理 2. 良好工作態度、積極主動學習、能獨立負責工作 3. 具備資訊安全相關實務經驗尤佳
  • 月薪30000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘 24天前更新
    1.了解基板電路和設備維修 2.參數設定 3. 熟Excel 4.需配合工作需求加班 5.其他主管交辦事項
  • 月薪30000~50000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘 24天前更新
    1. 車用電子研發設計工作 2.具備車用產品工作相關經驗佳
  • 月薪27470~45000元 南投縣南投市 工作經歷不拘 1天前更新
    1、物流貨物整理分類、上貨下貨、堆疊貨物 2、搬運過程中確保貨物完整性。 3、工作單純,無經驗可。 其他說明: 1、另有夜間津貼。 2、可固定班,不需輪班。 3、薪資:底薪+變動薪資。 4、具備堆高機證照者尤佳。
  • 月薪45000~65000元 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1.使用 React 和 Next.js 框架開發互動式單頁應用程式 (SPA) 2.撰寫乾淨、可維護且有效率的 JavaScript/TypeScript 程式碼 3.與後端工程師緊密合作,確保產品的順利交付 4.優化應用程式的效能和使用者體驗 5.編寫單元測試和整合測試,確保程式碼品質
  • 月薪35600元 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1.泰國廠相關人力資源政策之執行與推動。 2.人員招募、甄選及任用作業。 3.教育訓練規劃與執行。 4.人力資源報表及資訊彙整。 5.泰國廠相關行政支援工作。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 3年工作經驗 10天前更新
    Requirements for this Role: • At least 3-5 years of professional working experiences. • A bachelor‘s degree in business, technology, or a related field. • Knowledge of cloud technologies, platforms, and services. • Excellent communication and relationship-building skills. • A self-motivated, results-oriented, and teamwork attitude Preferred Qualifications: • Understanding of market trends and competitive landscape in the cloud industry. - Overview of New Business Development Management Division (NBDMD): With a mission to provide innovative, clean, and energy-efficient solutions for a better tomorrow, Delta Group is at the forefront of technology and sustainability. We are seeking a passionate and driven Cloud Business Analyst to join our team and play a key role in our growth and transformation. New Business Development Management Division (NBDMD) is tasked with incubating and expanding Corporate New Business Developments (Corp. NBDs) to leverage emerging technology and market opportunities. Given our anticipation of the critical role that the cloud business/SaaS business model will play in fostering sustainable growth for the group, our team is actively seeking a Cloud Business Analyst. In this capacity, we gather competitive and market insights, cultivate a strategic outlook on how to approach market opportunities, and foster internal alignment on strategy to facilitate execution and market activation. Our efforts span across various Corporate functions, Business Group & Business Units (BGBUs) to formulate and implement strategies aimed at driving sustainable growth for the Delta Group. If you are a strategic thinker ready to spearhead the transformation of Delta Group through the implementation of the cloud business/SaaS business model on a global level, adept at effectively communicating intricate issues and devising a compelling strategic direction, and capable of collaborating with a wide range of internal and external stakeholders, then this opportunity is tailored for you.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市桃園區 3年工作經驗 10天前更新
    Key Responsibilities- • Design and develop highly interactive frontend interfaces to support our software platform products. • Collaborate using agile development methods, participating in design, prototyping, and testing. • Work closely with product managers and backend engineers to ensure seamless collaboration between frontend and backend systems. • Ensure the stability and performance of frontend code. • Optimize applications to ensure the best user experience. Basic Qualifications- • Experience in Vue 3 or React 18 and above development. • Proficiency in HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and SCSS development. • Familiarity with Git and experience collaborating with teams using Git flow. • Experience in developing Single Page Applications (SPA) websites. • Enthusiasm for continuous learning and staying informed about frontend development trends. • Responsible and accountable attitude. Preferred Qualifications- • Proficiency in TypeScript. • Experience in frontend testing. • Basic ability to deploy websites using CI/CD. • Knowledge in GraphQL development. • Experience with open-source projects.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市桃園區 2年工作經驗 10天前更新
    Key Responsibilities- • Responsible for product and project software testing, ensuring software quality. • Design and plan testing work, establish and maintain automated testing environments. • Execute testing tasks, track defects, and manage product test cases. • Conduct advanced testing and queries for abnormal issues, propose improvement suggestions, and track feature fixes for deployment. • Submit testing scripts and test reports according to project schedules. Basic Qualifications- • Two or more years of QA software testing experience (preferably in SaaS software). • Experience with Android/iOS/Web automated testing. • Familiarity with Selenium or other web testing frameworks. • Familiarity with Appium or other app testing frameworks. • Familiarity with API testing tools, such as Postman.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市龜山區 2年工作經驗 10天前更新
    1. 移工仲介廠商管理與評鑑作業。 2. 直接人員:本、外籍員工關懷、離退管理、勞資議題與配合產線之人力調動等作業規劃執行。 3. 間接人員:製造工程職類之招募任用作業。 4. HR專案規劃與支援。 5. 其他主管交辦工作。
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會