• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市中山區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    日本上市金融科技,擴編招募優秀Business Development 人員! 【工作內容】 ・後支付服務的台灣市場開拓(包含線上/線下) ・各種業種合作與行銷專案、PR等的推進 ・作為PM與相關部門聯繫,協助專案的進行。 針對台灣的購物公司提供本公司付款服務的導入諮詢。 透過與知名市場、EC系統等服務的合作,來推動銷售策略規劃/團隊建立 【公司的未來性】 除了支付系統的拓展外,透過付款服務累積信用情報、購買紀錄等數據,有助於今後商業的發展,以這些大數據做為起點,實現新的價值。 【法定項目】 ・勞健保 ・加班費 ・各種休假(特別休假、婚假、喪假、生理假、產檢假、陪產假、產假、育嬰假) ・退休金 【公司福利】 ・年終:一年兩次(依績效而定) ・⼀次一年兩次人事考核 ・優於勞基法的特休⽇,暑假另給三天特休 ・每⽉遠距上班4天 ・彈性上下班:9:00~9:30
  • 時薪183~193元 台中市南屯區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    📌工作內容: 內外場沒有明顯區分、會碰到點送餐、收桌,也會碰到菜口、洗碗、廚房清潔等 📌工作時段: 10:30-15:00 18:30-22:30 (可彈性調整) 📌薪資待遇: 台中以北(含台中)183-193元/hr (起薪時薪183,滿110HR且全勤 + $10 ) 📌工作地點: 台中市-豐原區-源豐店(近豐原車站) 台中市-清水區-清水中山店(近清水車站) 台中市-西屯區-東海Jmall店(近東海大學) 台中市-西屯區-青海家樂福店 台中市-北屯區-文心崇德店(文心國小旁) 台中市-南屯區-文心家樂福店 台中市-北區-中華店(近中國醫藥大) 台中市-太平區-中山店(精武橋下) 台中市-東區-大魯閣店(台中車站後站) 台中市-南區-美村南路店(近台中高工) 台中市-大里區-大買家店 台中市-北屯區-水楠家樂福店 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆【快速應徵】☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 加入公務LINE:ci00012015 留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程唷! 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢:) ✎如有問題想聯繫:0909902033 安瑞小姐
  • 時薪183~183元 台北市中正區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    可以#假日班!!!!一個月六日加起來至少需能排6天班以上。即可推薦 ➡️日本吉X屋⬅️ 📌工作內容: 1、帶位、點餐、送餐、櫃台結帳 、外送訂單配送 2、於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理桌面 3、門市打掃與清理,進行環境清潔服務 4、餐點備料、調理、出餐 📌上班時間 10-16 17-23 (可以個人彈性調整) 📌薪資計算: ◉未達100小時 183元/hr ◉滿100小時(含)以上 183元/hr ◉全勤獎金 500元(滿100小時,無遲到) ◉業績達成獎金:300元/月(時數100小時)、600元/月(時數130小時) ◉誠品信義店區域津貼:20元/hr=時薪195+業績獎金 📌在職福利: 1.生日禮金200元(任職滿3個月) 2.免費供膳健檢(任職滿3個月&出勤時數規定) 3.免費供餐 (週六、日7小時以上之班別,國定假日不供餐) 4.留任績效獎金 (任職滿半年以上) 5.公司尾牙 (任職滿一年以上) 📌工作地點: 台北市-中正區-和億北車店 台北市-中正區-館前店 台北市-信義區-誠品信義店 台北市-大安區-信義旗艦店(近信義安和站) 台北市-萬華區-中華店(桂林家樂福) 新北市-三重區-家樂福重新店 ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆【快速應徵】☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 加入公務LINE:ci00012015 留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程唷! 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢:) ✎如有問題想聯繫:0909902033 安瑞小姐
  • 月薪29000~35000元 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    ✅土城信用卡製造廠 現缺 長期2位日夜皆可 短期4位有日有夜(短期的只到5月底) 土城中央路一段365巷 夜班直接下大夜 第一天中班辦理報到 ✅冷氣房、會搬重5~10公斤、有手工撕貼的動作 也有操作機台 久站久坐走動皆有可能(以站、走居多),無流水線 早班0800-1700 用餐一小時 晚餐半小時 夜班2000-0430 用餐半小時 早餐半小時 週休二日,現在都有缺, 〝〝務必要配合加班〝〝 操機員月 31000 (缺日) 收料員/手工人員月 29000 (缺日或夜班/需接受油墨味) 夜班津貼 一天250 (一個月若上22天為5500) ✅以上還未包含加班費哦~ ✅用餐一餐55$ 加班公司可代訂便當也是55$ ✅有機車停車位 加入公務LINE:ci00012015 留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程唷! 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢:) ✎如有問題想聯繫:0909902033 安瑞小姐
  • 時薪183~200元 高雄市左營區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    ☆經典必吃的正宗麻奶火鍋聞名 ☆港式鍋物著稱,香港人及廣東人所說的「打邊爐」,就是台灣人吃火鍋的意思 ☆【職務需求及說明】 1.負責客人帶位、點餐、送餐及客人用餐中,桌邊服務等工作。 2.於客人用餐完畢後,負責收拾碗盤與清理環境。 3.負責結帳、收銀、內場負責供餐之工作。 4.可假日班/可晚班/可全天 ☆有制服,自備:白襯衫、黑褲、黑襪、黑鞋 假日班時薪190 若當月有請假直接變183喔 內場憑體檢收據報到 外場免體檢 ☆店點↓ (請勿未有履歷就直接到店應徵,會造成店長困擾) –––––––––––––– ◆高雄地區:薪資180-200 明誠店-高雄市左營區明誠二路396號 晚班計時2位 假日計時1位 文濱店-高雄市鳳山區文濱路135號 假日計時2位 ––––––––––––––其他地區↓–––––––––––––– ◆台南地區:180-200 中華店-台南市東區中華東路三段89號 全日計時1位 假日計時1位 晚班計時2位 ◆台中地區:200-220 台中店-台中市北屯區崇德十路一段465號 全日計時1位 假日計時2位 晚上計時1位 –––––––––––––– 應徵方式→可投履歷,我們盡快回覆。 加入公務賴ci00012015留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程唷:) 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢:)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 2年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Handling patent prosecution in telecom communication field over varies countries. 2. Search, study and analysis patents in telecom communication field. 3. Review and amend English disclosures that drafted by inventors. 4. Review and amend patent applications in English or Chinese before filing. 5. Communicate with local patent firms or regional intellectual property offices to discuss patent applications during prosecution. 6. Draft or review responses to office actions that issued by regional intellectual property offices. 7. Planning prosecution strategy with inventors. 8. As a contact window for RD and entrusted firms. 9. Managing/ scheduling own handled applications. 10. Any assignments from Supervisors. 任職資格 1. Major in telecom communications, especially reads 3GPP spec. (NR, RAN1 or RAN 2). 2. Skilled in patent searching, retrieving, drafting patent applications, and responses. 3. In firm experience for at least 2 years. 4. Basic knowledge regarding to patent prosecution practice in certain countries, especially US, EP, CN, KR. 5. Ability to work under date-driven schedules.
  • 月薪29300~29300元 台中市南區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    📌工作地點:台中市南區大慶街二段100號 📌工作內容:血糖機生產、檢測、操作機台 📌工作時間/薪資: #早班 07:30-16:00 / $29,300 #日班 08:30-17:30 / $29,300 常態加班(2-3H)/週六配合加班(8H) 學歷需高中職肄業 🌹補充: 憑體檢收據報到 /供餐自付$20/伙食津貼/免費汽機車位/久站久坐不可挑/ 大多部門需穿袍式(或全套)無塵衣 /搬重10-20公斤/部分部門需會基本電腦操作 ⛔️學生⛔️不加班⛔️外籍⛔️老花⛔️短期 🌹面試邀約:面試時間約2-2.5小時,請依場次時間邀約至廠區面試 –– 應徵方式→可投履歷,我們盡快回覆。 加入公務賴ci00012015留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程唷:) 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢:)
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 工作經歷不拘 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Perform research to make deep learning more applicable to real world problems. 2. To research and develop cutting-edge deep learning/computer vision technology for resolving challenging problems. 3. To design and run prototypes, including designing and evaluating new algorithms as well as implementing known algorithms. 4. Research new ideas in computer vision, find insights to support business decision. 任職資格 1. Solid understanding of CS fundamentals. 2. Programing experience with C++/Java/Python or equivalent. 3. Experience with deep learning and computer vision. 4. Practical experience with deep learning platforms, such as TensorFlow. 5. Ability to work independently and ramp-up to new area quickly. 6. Good skills in paper reading and the ability to implement it.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 3年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Coordinate internal resources and third parties/vendors for the flawless execution of projects. Ensure that all projects are delivered on-time within the scope. 2. Developing project scopes and objectives, involving all relevant stakeholders and ensuring technical feasibility. 3. Ensure resource availability and allocation. 4. Develop a detailed project plan to track progress. 5. Use appropriate verification techniques to manage changes in project scope, schedule, and costs. 6. Measure project performance using appropriate systems, tools, and techniques. 7. Report and escalate to management as needed. 8. Manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders. 9. Perform risk management to minimize project risks. 10. Establish and maintain relationships with third parties/vendors. 11. Create and maintain comprehensive project documentation. 任職資格 1. BA/BS degree, preferably in the fields of computer science or engineering for technical project managers. 2. 3+ years working experience in a Project Management role in the technology industry. 3. Excellent client-facing and internal communication skills. 4. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. 5. Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multi-tasking skills.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 工作經歷不拘 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Good understanding of data structures, algorithms, and operating systems. 2. Experience programming in Node.js, Java, Python. 3. Good interpersonal communications and problem-solving skills. 任職資格 1. Experience in peer code review to maintain a styled readability and code quality. 2. Experience with AWS, Azure, and/or GCP. 3. Experience programming in Go, C/C++ 4. Have built scalable distributed systems with a good understanding of micro service architecture. 5. Experience integrating with RDBMS and NoSQL databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and/or MongoDB. 6. Experience with monitoring/logging tool, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and/or Fluentd.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市麻豆區 10年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1.業務部門KPI執行與推動 2.市場推廣計畫、中長期行銷策略及目標制定與追蹤執行 3.銷售計畫制定、執行與管理 4.市場調查與動態分析 5.產品目標規劃與執行整合 任職資格 1.大學以上 2.人格特質:抗壓性、社交性、企圖心、領導性、堅毅性 3.國內外業務與管理經驗10年以上 4.英文精通
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市麻豆區 10年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 1.採購策略目標達成 2.市場趨勢、行情與供應鏈狀況分析 3.供應商開發、管理與成本控管 4.原物料庫存管理 5.倉儲作業規劃與管理 任職資格 1.大學以上 2.抗壓性、謹慎性、社交性、邏輯思考 3.10年以上國內外原物料採購與管理經驗 4.英文中等
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 工作經歷不拘 762天前更新
    職責要求 1. Identify target market, early users, and develop relationships with prospective customers. 2. Develop simple and easy to understand business case pitch to potential customers. 3. Build, manage and prioritize BD pipeline. 4. Identify good-fit potential customers and build / manage relationship. 5. Identify areas for strategic leverage. 6. Represent company well and plan/prepare/conduct external meetings and presentations. 7. Identify customer needs and work with team to incorporate feedback to. 8. Structure win-win relationships and projects, convert into sales. 9. Collaborate with product & ENG teams on product specs and provide customer feedback. 10. Become an expert on products, use cases, and industry. Help us find new markets and opportunities to bring our products to market. 11. Ability to wear multiple hats including BD, sales, and product development. 12. Comfortable with uncertainty and iterative development as we are operating like a startup building new AI businesses. 任職資格 1. High-level communication and stakeholder management skills. 2. Proven ability to negotiate and track record of leading successful B2B sales deals. 3. Experience with design, implementation & iteration of business development strategy. 4. Experience in early-stage startups or new ventures. 5. Background in Business, Marketing or other related fields. 6. Entrepreneurial spirit and self-starter. 7. Executing in a fast-paced and dynamic environment. 8. Experience and understanding of AI/ML/Data Science products. 9. Ability to communicate well in English and Chinese. 10. Ability to travel to meet with potential overseas clients.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 5年工作經驗 762天前更新
    職責要求 • Develop APAC PC commercial business considering Distributor, Value Added Reseller (VAR), System Integrator (SI), SMB, Education, Enterprise and Government eco system for APAC region with country teams • Identify trends and market needs, and align with PC Commercial Market Development Strategy to develop opportunities for growth within the APAC Region. • Work with Country team to create potential business deals by analyzing market strategies by SMB, Education vertical…etc, • Coordinate and prioritize necessary market research to validate market sizes, critical market assumptions, key customer/value chain needs, competitor strategies, and brand recognition/positioning with SMB and Education Sector • Assist APAC General Manager and be in charge of regional product portfolio management, work with country teams to optimize P&L results • Define and propose “go to market strategy” by developing and suggesting innovative and pertinent business model, partnerships etc.. • Define market segmentation and clearly articulate/define value propositions to compete and win in targeted market development segments in 3-5 year horizon. • Work with Country teams to develop new concepts that can solve the market and customer needs. Participate in stage gate process for growth projects to commercialize new products. • Work with appropriate product and sales team to drive execution of the plan. • Lead/coordinate global and regional implementation of the global HQ strategy for the market segment in real time and organized matter • Develop regional key account and vendor relationships with value chain end users to develop commercial business 任職資格 • Over 5 year experience in Computer IT/Hardware. Consumer Electronics industry • Experience with International Commercial Business Development, especially familiar with Distributor, Value Added Reseller (VAR), System Integrator (SI), SMB, Education, Enterprise and Government echo system • Think strategically, develop action plans and deliver tangible business development results. • Proactive, able to perform in high pressure and team work • Energetic, passionate about business development. • Demonstrated strong business acumen skills • Outstanding communicator and negotiator. Able to influence at all levels of organizations. • Experience with Emerging Countries in APAC would be preferred • 40% international travel • English fluency is a must
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會