• 月薪36000元 桃園市大園區 工作經歷不拘 31天前更新
    找工作 找Tina ▶▶▶先加LINE並《截圖》詢問職缺◀◀◀ 洽詢專線:03-302-1595 分機17 手機:0971-255-995 LINE ID:0971255995 ➽工作內容:PCB板製程:機台操作、目檢、組裝等(不怕沒經驗 只怕你不來) ➽工作地點:大園工業區(近大園區公所) ➽工作時間&薪資: (1) 日班:08:00~20:20→36000起(含加班) (2) 夜班:20:00~08:20→40000起(含加班) ★★加班依勞基法規定 1.34倍、1.67倍 ➽休假制度:做四休二(月休9-10天) ➽獎金不怕你拿 ♚介紹獎金:介紹朋友來,做滿一個月3000,第二個月3000,共6000 ♚久任獎金:做滿一個月3000,第二個月3000,第三個月4000,總共10000元!!! ➽員工福利: ♚體檢補助 ♚員工宿舍:僅收清潔費及電費,外縣市(含楊梅、龍潭、大溪、復興、新屋)朋友省錢好方法 ♚交通:外縣市朋友面試免費搭乘交通車接送 ♚免費供餐 ➽面試當天即可得知錄取結果
  • 時薪183~208元 桃園市桃園區 工作經歷不拘 31天前更新
    找工作 找Tina ▶▶▶先加LINE並《截圖》詢問職缺◀◀◀ 手機:0971-255-995 LINE ID:0971255995 ♚工作內容:現場作業、揀貨、驗收、包裝、上架 ♚工作地點: ➽大園(近大江購物中心) ➽蘆竹(近台茂、南崁好市多) ➽龜山(近林口長庚醫院) ➽楊梅(幼獅工業區) ➽平鎮(近中央大學) ♚工作時間&薪資: ➽日班:09:00~18:00→176 元/時 ➽午A班:13:30~22:30 →176 元/時 ➽午B班:15:00~24:00 →176 元/時 ➽晚班:18:00~03:00→194 元/時 ➽夜班:00:00~08:00→198 元/時 ➽小晚班:19:00~23:00→176 元/時  ✿加班依勞基法規定 1.34倍、1.67倍 ♚具三年內堆高機證照者可另得津貼
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市龜山區 5年工作經驗 13天前更新
    職責要求 1. Responsible for the design, deployment, support, and continuous monitoring and alerting of manufacturing systems and network infrastructure 2. Drive scalable, highly available and performant service deployments for core functions on the line such as Active Directory, BitLocker, MySQL, Symmetric DS, AWS, and custom-built applications 3. Maintain all stations on the line: Troubleshooting, Break/Fix, Imaging and Replacement 4. Understand metrics for measuring success and performance of services to ensure service performance, scalability, stability and security for both existing and new service deployments. 5. Work closely with software and data engineering teams to ensure application environments and infrastructures are built and closely optimized for each other 6. Integrate security into all layers of the environment in order to protect sensitive data stored on systems at third party sites and in cloud environments 7. Ensure excellent support, stability and maximum uptime for manufacturing systems and network infrastructure across globally dispersed sites and cloud environments 8. Provide onsite support as assigned 9.Communicate timelines, service dependencies, resource constraints and progress with key stakeholders quickly and effectively 10.Domestic and International travel required: up to 20%. 任職資格 1. Bachelor’s degree in Technical degree 2. 5+ years of Linux and MySQL experience. (CentOS/Ubuntu). 3. 3+ years of scripting experience (Python, Docker, SNMP). 4. 3+ years of experience in configuration management (Chef, Puppet, SCCM). 5. Solid understanding of server hardware and sizing, hypervisor technologies (VMware ESX/ ESXi/ vSphere), and cross-platform integrations (i.e. heterogeneous operating system support) 6. Solid understanding of IDF server room design, requirements, operation 7. 3+ years of experience with networking principles, firewalls, load balancers 8. Basis English––-oral and written
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市龜山區 8年工作經驗 763天前更新
    職責要求 1. Oversee reliability testing and analysis through product lifecycle 2. Develop appropriate test plans 3. Audit reliability labs to ensure testing is done appropriately 4. Prepare detailed and concise reliability reports 5. Provide accurate and in-depth statistical analysis 6. Apply design of experiments (DOE) 7. Lead stress characterization of appropriate usage conditions 8. Contribute to failure analysis and use correct methodology to identify root cause of failures 9. Develop acceleration models and accelerated tests 10. Develop new reliability test specifications and procedures 11. In depth research into applicable failure mechanisms 任職資格 1. Experience developing and performing reliability tests including (but not limited to) mechanical, shock, vibration, environmental, and characterization testing 2. Knowledgeable of failure analysis techniques including (not limited to) optical microscopy, X-Ray, CT scan, SEM, EDX, and FTIR 3. Knowledgeable of industry test standards including ASTM, MIL, JEDEC, and IEEE 4. BS or higher in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, or equivalent discipline 5. Minimum 8 years’ experience, including least 3+ years of experience in reliability engineering 6. Fundamentally strong knowledge of mechanical design, material science, and failure mechanisms of consumer electronics 7. Timely execution of tasks to meet critical deadlines 8. Ability to independently manage multiple tasks in a dynamic environment while maintaining a strong attention to detail 9. Good English communication skills. Frequent conference calls (even daily) with US compliance team mandatory.
  • 月薪32000~35000元 台中市潭子區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
  • 時薪240~260元 桃園市楊梅區 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    ✅開放固定日班!✅楊梅高時薪廠商~提高至時薪240!! ✅免經驗✅有汽/機車位✅可隔日領/周領 🔥有供宿2人/間, 800/月含水不含電🔥 ► 工作內容 : 品檢:被動元件、電源系統 顯微鏡檢查 (無塵服, 久坐) ►工作時間: 07:00-19:00 (沒加班15:30就下班瞜) <也有徵19:00-07:00大夜,但需在早班實習可能1個月> ►休假:周休二日(週六視訂單加班8H,能力優的可以多加班) ►薪資: 目前日班專案時薪240!!!至12/31前都是!!! 1/1起恢復一般時薪210,〝〝長期短期〝〝都收~ <夜班專案時薪260 一般時薪230> ►休息制度:早晚各休半小時 ►用餐制度:團膳50/餐 ►地點 : 楊梅區中山北路一段(近天晟醫院) ––- 應徵方式→可投履歷,我們盡快回覆。 加入官賴@nhy5896h或點擊:https://lin.ee/L61OXnF 留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程唷😊 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢✌️
  • 時薪183元 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    上班時間:08:00-17:00(加班少) 工作內容:零件組裝、包裝、機台 工作性質偏手工性質 休假方式:週休二日 用餐說明:自理 (有蒸飯箱) 交通方式: 🚇 近永寧捷運站(二號出口)步行約5-10分即可到達 免經驗,人力公司面談即可 意洽仕新鄭小姐:0989-666583 LINE:angelasally ★★ 免收仲介費★★
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 3年工作經驗 763天前更新
    1. 新商品之市場調查 2. STP、4P設定 3. 與工廠之溝通-協調、談判、管理 4. 能獨力完成商品開發直至通路販售
  • 月薪27470~32400元 新竹縣竹東鎮 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    【手工作業】 貼膠/鎖螺絲/拉釘/檢驗/補漆/搬運 散熱片、加工、貼膠 散熱片上、下蓋組裝 外觀品檢(檢查印刷字體、LOGO,有無刮傷…) 產品裝tray盤,產品裝箱,貼標籤 中午免費供餐,咖啡吧免費提供飲料。 每月工作考核→額外會有0~6000元生產獎勵金。
  • 時薪197~237元 新北市新莊區 工作經歷不拘 5天前更新
    ♔王X集團旗下餐廳 ✅一週7天要能排班至少4天(只缺早班,時間彈性,可自己選🫶) 週六日能出勤其中一天就能應徵!(另一天可休息) ★也可應徵純假日班(只出勤週六日或紅字假日,需能上早/晚班) 📌工作內容: *內場 : 1.負責洗、剝、削、切各種食材,以完成烹飪的前置工作 2.協助廚師測量食材的容量與重量、分切流程、食材分裝分包 *外場 : 1.餐桌&門市環境 佈置及整潔服務 2.顧客接待及座位安排、提供桌邊服務 3.回覆顧客點餐需求與提供建議 4.內場廚房支援備料 📌工作時段: 排班時間09:00-22:30區間可排最短4小時即可,早晚都可班別任選 一天排4~8小時均可(可彈性調整,但需能出勤主要用餐期間) 📌薪資待遇: 時薪197-237 ➤缺額店點 ✅杏O-新莊宏匯,內外場正兼職或兼職 ✅橋O-板橋環球,內外場正兼職或兼職 ✅勝O-新店裕隆城,內外場正兼職或兼職 –––––––––––––––––––––––– 應徵方式→可投履歷,我們盡快回覆。 加入公務賴ci00012015留言:姓名電話+安瑞小姐+職缺截圖 先填線上履歷就可加快應徵流程 若此缺媒合不成功我們也有鄰近地區職缺可為您諮詢!
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台南市官田區 5年工作經驗 763天前更新
    職責要求 1.成本結算及差異分析 2.各項財報編制及管理 (I/S、B/S) 3.預算編列、控管及檢討 4.稅務申報 5.庫存盤點及差異分析 6.部門KPI規劃與執行 7.會計師查帳作業準備 8.董事會/股東會資料準備 任職資格 1.大學,財務會計相關系所 2.具5年以上財務經驗
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘 763天前更新
    1. 使用 Cocos Creator 進行 H5 遊戲開發 2. 使用 Cocos Creator完整開發上線者優先
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 2年工作經驗 763天前更新
    1.有完整使用Cocos Creator ,Laya或Egret等遊戲引擎開發經驗。 2.熟悉使用Javascript語言,了解ES6規範。 3.根據項目需求,進行遊戲程序設計及開發工作。 4.與服務端技術、產品需求、美術設計等共同合作開發確保遊戲良好。 5.負責遊戲上線、優化及Bug解決。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市梧棲區 2年工作經驗 42天前更新
    Areas of Responsibility: • Collect and verify different data from multiple sources, consolidate various data and distribute to relevant stakeholders, internal and external. Provide feedback to data owner in case of deviations. Monitor, verify and correct reports prior to submittal, such as time registration overviews, KPI reports, vendor reports, crew change lists, etc. • Arrange transport and accommodation for site personnel travelling to/from Project in line with Project specific transport concept. Organize and manage crew changes to/from specific site location by producing crew change manifests per defined format based on manning plans. Coordinate with Site Management and Marine Coordinator and update transport manifests. • Act as first face and point of contact to visitors and site personnel to/from site, as receptionist including reporting, data entry, keeping visitor log and answering phone calls. • Organize, arrange and coordinate meetings on site. Prepare, distribute, and file meeting minutes. • Comply with the Environment, Health & Safety rules on Site. Active support through participation in toolbox talks and safety campaigns. • Tracks stocks of office supplies and place orders when necessary. • PO creation and budget checking when necessary. (If Project requests it) • Update and maintain records and databases, such as personnel data/certificates/qualifications/training details into internal or customer system after verification of validity and of compliance. • Execute Site administrative activities and operations to secure efficiency and compliance with company policies. • Assist and train colleagues when necessary.
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會