• 月薪32000~45000元 新北市五股區 3年工作經驗 1天前更新
    1. 開發/維護 前端網站 2. 具備解決問題的能力及良好隊合作觀念 3. Smart eVision報表開發 4. 負責Agile PLM系統日常運作 5. 開發/維護 Agile PLM 客製JAVA程式 6.鼎新Easyflow GP(BPM) 流程與表單開發 7.第3點~第6點公司可協助培訓
  • 月薪37000~40000元 新北市中和區 3年工作經驗 4天前更新
    01. 供應商管理 02. 廠內 & 委外託工製令管理 03. 供應商 / 代工廠交期溝通確認 04. 進退貨相關事項協調溝通 05. 與採購互為代理人 06. 主管交辦事項
  • 月薪28000~30000元 嘉義縣水上鄉 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. 協助住管收集文件、歸檔。 2. 表格資料輸入, 整理 。 3. 與客戶聯繫溝通表格所需資料 。 4. 與國內外配合客戶信件往返, 維繫良好關係 。 應徵條件:  1. 心思細膩, 處事謹慎 。 2. 能於要求時間內完成該處理事務 。 3. 具基本英文說、聽、讀、寫能力者為佳。
  • 月薪35000~45000元 桃園市楊梅區 1年工作經驗 3天前更新
    A. 水電、廠務相關設備修繕維護。 B. 共用設備及生產機器之維護保養。 C. 其它上級交辦之事項。
  • 月薪28000元 高雄市路竹區 1年工作經驗 3天前更新
    1.業務績效目標達成 2.顧客開發與客戶關係維繫 3.顧客連絡資料整理、出口資料製作 4.負責詢報價單文件之整理,建檔以及追蹤,於有效時間內回覆顧客信件 5.協助客戶對於商品價格的查詢及報價相關的問題 6.客訴處理、提高客戶滿意度 7.假日不定期國內外参展與準備 8.完成主管其他交辦事項 9.能獨立作業者為佳. ~~對加工流程略懂者尤佳~~
  • 月薪40000~60000元 台北市中山區 工作經歷不拘 7天前更新
    門市聽力師 保證底薪,外加高額競賽業績獎金及各項晉級簽約獎勵金 1. 醫療器材銷售與售後服務 2. 店務處理, 如商品管理, 現金管理, 庫存管理等 3. 提供產品相關資訊及申辦資料流程協助。 4. 配合總公司人員,協助處理之門店行政作業。 推薦您逛逛以下網站,更加了解元健大家庭: 元健助聽器官網:https://www.digibionic.com/ 元健助聽器台灣各縣市服務據點請見:https://bit.ly/3oDAmCd 元健助聽器剖析台灣助聽器價格文:https://bit.ly/2RvJOLX
  • 月薪27470~50000元 台中市中區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. 負責牙材相關產品銷售、行銷。 2. 陌生開發潛在客戶、拓展市場以達業績目標。 3. 負責與客戶進行相關產品說明、簡報銷售、收款及售後服務。 4. 相關產品推銷活動,並須配合公司參加行銷及教育活動。 5. 假日不定期國內外展會活動準備與參與 6. 歡迎個性開朗、積極、親切,具客戶服務精神者 7. 主管交辦目標與事項
  • 月薪30000~55000元 宜蘭縣宜蘭市 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1. 電腦組裝、搬運、清潔... 等。 2. 維護現有軟、硬體、網路、資安系統或環境(含故障排除)。 3. 處理、維護、協助 User 端各種資訊相關問題。 4. 撰寫技術文件、操作手冊,或其他與資訊相關之文書作業。 5. 研習/測試,各式軟硬體操作方法及特性,或其相關技術與資訊。 推薦您逛逛以下網站,更加了解元健大家庭: 元健助聽器官網:https://www.digibionic.com/ 元健助聽器台灣各縣市服務據點請見:https://bit.ly/3oDAmCd 元健助聽器剖析台灣助聽器價格文:https://bit.ly/2RvJOLX
  • 月薪30000~32000元 南投縣南投市 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. 收、發要運送的貨物,自行裝卸貨物(需搬重物) 2. 查驗送至外包或廠內之物料是否符合所需 3. 出、退、換貨作業事宜、清點貨物 4. 運送貨物並保護貨物的完整 5. 審度交通情況,遵守交通規則,駕駛小客/貨車 6. 車輛清潔,安全檢查,及臨時故障處理 7. 未出車時,需配合廠內工作調度 8. 需會駕駛3.5噸之小貨車
  • 年薪600000元 台北市大安區 1年工作經驗 3天前更新
    Together, we can beat cancer. At Varian, we bring together the worlds’ best talent to realize our vision of a world without fear of cancer. Together, we work passionately to develop and deliver easy-to-use, efficient oncology solutions. If you want to be part of this important mission, we want to hear from you. Varian Medical Systems is looking for a Final Test Engineer to join the team to assist with the commissioning phase of multiple proton therapy projects. This Final Test Engineer position primary responsibility is to provide local and remote support of beam optics commissioning and related work for a list of global customers. Advanced applicants may also have experience with other aspects of the proton therapy system. This Final Test Engineer position also provides technical support to field engineers, technicians, and product support personnel who are diagnosing, troubleshooting, repairing and debugging complex equipment. Varian is looking for candidates with physics and electronics backgrounds with direct proton therapy experience.Provides technical support to field engineers, technicians, and product support personnel who are diagnosing, troubleshooting, repairing and debugging complex electro/mechanical equipment, computer systems, complex software, or networked and/or wireless systems. Responds to situations where first-line product support has failed to isolate or fix problems in malfunctioning equipment or software. Reports design, reliability and maintenance problems or bugs to design engineering/software engineering. May be involved in customer installation and training. Provides support to customer/users where the product is highly technical or sophisticated in nature. Required Certifications and Training: Obtains and completes LMS training plan specific to assigned responsibility. Experience Level with Business Tools: Proficient in utilizing business tools such as: E-mail, Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Experience with HCM (e.g., Workday) or equivalent ERP product and productivity software desired. Typical Education and Experience: Bachelors Degree in Physics and/or Electronics (or equivalent experience) and/or 2-5 years of related experience or Masters Degree with no or little experience. Duties include: Model complex beam optics using proprietary software. Apply complex beam optics solutions as a base then manipulate machine parameters to optimize real world optics performance. Respond to situations where first-line product support has failed to isolate or repair problems in malfunctioning equipment or software. Report design, reliability, and maintenance problems or issues to product support engineering/software engineering May be involved in customer installation and training. Provide support to customer/users where the product is highly technical or sophisticated in nature. May train and coach new and less experienced personnel in practice, technical and reporting/documentation matters. Assists in the development of new commissioning techniques, future products, and methods. Creates and updates commissioning documentation. Requires no direct supervision. Duties include: Model complex beam optics using proprietary software. Apply complex beam optics solutions as a base then manipulate machine parameters to optimize real world optics performance. Respond to situations where first-line product support has failed to isolate or repair problems in malfunctioning equipment or software. Report design, reliability, and maintenance problems or issues to product support engineering/software engineering May be involved in customer installation and training. Provide support to customer/users where the product is highly technical or sophisticated in nature. May train and coach new and less experienced personnel in practice, technical and reporting/documentation matters. Assists in the development of new commissioning techniques, future products, and methods. Creates and updates commissioning documentation. Requires no direct supervision. Ability to travel within the Asia Pacific region is a requirement Travel approximately 50% - 75% Fighting cancer calls for big ideas. We envision a world without fear of cancer. Achieving this vision takes dedication and commitment from all of us, every single day. That‘s why we celebrate and value the distinctly beautiful and intersectional identities of each of our employees. We are a mirror of our patient-base, which allows us to innovate. Big ideas come from everywhere, and the best ideas are fostered by our unique individual experiences. At Varian, we encourage you to bring your whole self to work and believe your bold and authentic perspective will help to power more victories over cancer. #TogetherWeFight
  • 月薪28000~32000元 桃園市龜山區 5年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    1. 負責生產線機器、設備之操作,並維持機台正常運作。 2. 進行製造現場的產品組裝、檢驗、包裝出貨等作業。 3. 與其他作業員進行協調,以符合生產及程序標準。 4. 完成主管交辦有關生產產品、程序事宜。
  • 月薪27470元 嘉義縣水上鄉 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1. 機本機台操作及清潔。 2. 針車機台操作作業。 3. 須有針車機台經驗。 4. 依程序完成主管交辦有關生產產品。
  • 月薪27470~30000元 嘉義縣水上鄉 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    1.依主管指示操作機台或裝配零件(視圖) 2.依照工序或實樣準備材料、工刀具、校正工具機備生產製作 3.主管交辦事項
  • 月薪28000~35000元 台中市大里區 1年工作經驗 4天前更新
    1.從事新產品的研發、品管製程工作及實驗測試 2.電控設備及自動控制與自動化系統等電機儀器設備的檢測 3.依據系統圖或電機圖進行設備的維修,更換零件或按裝新的控制器 4.根據原安裝圖重新組裝已修復設備,並對其進行測試 5.安裝及維修電子電機產品或設備。
  • 隨薪所欲