• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 彰化縣田中鎮 工作經歷不拘 190天前更新
    職責要求 1.資訊設備與系統規劃、伺服器、網路、電信設備維護管理 2.資訊安全、虛擬伺服器(VMWare)、SQL、Exchange、NAS、Storage、VPN、防火牆維護管理 3.鼎新Workflow ERP、SFT 維護、電子簽核、不斷電系統設定/管理/維護 4.熟悉 SQL 語法、資料庫撰寫運用 5.電腦軟硬體故障排除 任職資格 1.熟悉鼎新ERP與SFT系統邏輯、流程
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 美國明尼蘇達州 10年工作經驗 190天前更新
    職責要求 1. Identify opportunities and assess risks associated with IT investments for appropriate and cost-effective investment of financial resources in IT systems and resources, including staffing, sourcing, purchasing, and in-house development. 2. Lead IT strategic and operational planning to achieve business goals by fostering innovation, prioritizing IT initiatives, and coordinating the evaluation, deployment, and management of current and future IT systems across the organization. 3. Assess and make recommendations on the improvement or re-engineering of the IT organization and keep current with trends and issues in the IT industry, including current technologies and prices to advise, counsel, and educate executives and management on their competitive or financial impact. 4. Monitor effectiveness of IT system/employee performance by establishing IT departmental goals, objectives, and operating procedures and by developing and maintaining an appropriate IT organizational structure that supports the needs of the business and ensures continuous optimum delivery of IT services. 5. Develop, track, and control the information technology annual operating and capital budgets including business case justifications and cost/benefit analyses for IT spending and initiatives. 6. Promote and oversee strategic relationships between internal IT resources and external entities, including government, vendors, and partner organizations and management of hardware/software acquisition and maintenance contracts to capitalize on economies of scale and to ensure IT system operation adheres to applicable laws and regulations. 任職資格 1.Bachelor’s degree in computer science, information systems, or business administration. Master’s degree in either of these fields with technology as a core component preferred. 2.10+ years’ experience managing and/or directing an IT operation. 3.Advanced English and Mandarin skills 4.Experience in strategic planning and execution. 5.Considerable knowledge of business theory, business processes, management, budgeting, and business office operations. 6.Substantial exposure to data processing, hardware platforms, enterprise software applications, and outsourced systems
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市中和區 工作經歷不拘 191天前更新
    1. 熟練ICT治具鑽孔文件、植壓棒、元件銑槽及應力設計結構處理 (keysite 3070為佳)。 2. 熟練使用solidworks、cam350、加工機編程(如:北京精雕) 。 3. 熟練設計各類型ICT 治具(Full bank/Half bank/自動開蓋/Inline….等)。 4. 熟悉常規氣缸類及相關電子配件選型 。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    前景發展被注目的【工程師】正在招募各路人才,歡迎有想法的人才一對一諮詢,找到您理想的工作! 【服務介紹】 立樂高園人資顧問公司,是提供日商『正職』工作機會的顧問公司,由專門顧問替求職者做免費的工作媒合諮詢,透過顧問的專業判斷,提供適合您的工作機會介紹,也提供協助安排企業面試、模擬面試、成功錄取後的相關後續協助。 如果您想要使用「工作諮詢」服務,請直接點選「應徵」,如有合適的工作機會,我們會主動聯繫您! 【服務流程】 ①104應徵 ︱在104應徵本職缺 ↓ ②安排面談 ︱由我們主動聯繫並安排顧問面談 ↓ ③顧問面談 ︱由顧問一對一提供詳細諮詢,並且介紹合適的相關職缺 ↓ ④企業面試 ︱協助安排企業面試 ↓ ⑤成功錄取 ︱成功錄取後提供相關到職協助 【瀏覽更多職缺】 https://www.reeracoen.tw/zh-tw/jobs
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹縣竹東鎮 3年工作經驗 192天前更新
    職責要求 •Specifying, procuring, installing, monitoring, maintaining, troubleshooting and upgrading HPC compute and GPU nodes, high performance cluster storage, and cluster-related network equipment associated with the HPC environment •Ensure 24/7 operation of highly available customer-facing and internal server environments at multiple data processing units •Working with clustered computing systems including clustered and parallel file systems •Interface with image data acquisition device, distribute jobs to computation nodes •Create and conduct testing plan and testcases during development cycle •Design and implement post-production verification procedure and scripts, system health monitoring •Provide primary support/escalation point for critical outages and issues in relation to data storage for our image processing system 任職資格 •A Ph.D/MS plus 3 years‘ experience, or BS with 5 years’ experience in the computer science, electrical engineering, or other similar related engineering fields is required •Good understanding of GPUs, high speed network fabric, interface protocols and be familiar with SSDs and memory used in applications •The ideal candidate will have a solid background in Linux, and good experience on Linux kernel and device drivers •Familiar with gRPC protocol •Strong understanding of server architecture design and optimization and networking technology, with basic understanding on high-performance CPUs/FPGAs from AMD, Intel, or ARM cores •Are skilled in Python, Rust, C++, and standard libraries or frameworks, knowledge to Windows system is a plus •Have strong organization and communication skills, with the ability to effectively collaborate with people working in other disciplines •Previous work within the semiconductor optical inspection industry is a plus
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹縣竹東鎮 3年工作經驗 192天前更新
    職責要求 •Specifying, procuring, installing, monitoring, maintaining, troubleshooting and upgrading HPC compute and GPU nodes, high performance cluster storage, and cluster-related network equipment associated with the HPC environment •Ensure 24/7 operation of highly available customer-facing and internal server environments at multiple data processing units •Working with clustered computing systems including clustered and parallel file systems •Design, install, and maintain large scale Linux compute clusters and commercial supercomputing systems •Create and conduct testing plan and testcases during development cycle •Design and implement post-production verification procedure and scripts •Provide primary support/escalation point for critical outages and issues in relation to data storage for our image processing system 任職資格 •A Ph.D/MS plus 3 years‘ experience, or BS with 5 years’ experience in the computer science, electrical engineering, or other similar related engineering fields is required •Proven ability to design, install, and maintain large scale Linux compute clusters •Good understanding of GPUs, high speed network fabric, interface protocols and be familiar with SSDs and memory used in applications •The ideal candidate will have a solid background in Linux, and good experience on Linux kernel and high-speed networking application •Strong understanding of server architecture design and optimization and networking technology, with basic understanding on high-performance CPUs/FPGAs from AMD, Intel, or ARM cores •Are skilled in Script, Python, C++, and standard libraries or frameworks, knowledge to Windows system is a plus •Have strong organization and communication skills, with the ability to effectively collaborate with people working in other disciplines •Previous work within the semiconductor optical inspection industry is a plus
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹縣新埔鎮 5年工作經驗 162天前更新
    職責要求 1.設計鋰電池管理系統(BMS)的軟韌體功能 2.開發以MCU為主之韌體,並應用在測試整合 3.單晶片韌體開發MCU(Microchip/ST皆可) 4.通訊功能開發Communication (SPI , UART, Can Bus) 任職資格 1.熟悉C尤佳 2.具單晶片(8051)或ARM開發經驗 3.5年以上韌體開發經驗者尤佳。 4.曾開發過CANBUS、RS485、SPI尤佳 5.具系統整合經驗者尤佳 6.具能源產業開發經驗者尤佳化
  • 月薪42500~49000元 台中市后里區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1.依照sop執行機台PM維護保養 2.機台操作,搬運物品5公斤,10~30次/天 3.依照SOP,使用板手或絲起子等工具,於設備端進行套件更換改機(機構與PCB板)以及維修工作 4.專案或改善案件協助 5.配合交辦事項執行 工作時間: 做四休三、做三休四 -日班7:30~19:30 /夜班 19:30~7:30 (四個月日夜輪班一次) -固定日班07:30-19:30 -固定夜班19:30-07:30 福利 1.期滿獎金2個月(滿一年在職可領取) 2.搭乘交通車免費(時段皆為七點半到七點半及常日班) 電子/電機/機械/工程工程相關科系 會使用板手或絲起子等工具
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    日系醫療設備公司誠徵系統工程師! 公司將全額支付簽證申請和機票費用,並提供位於日本橫濱市的員工宿舍,公司將部分負擔搬家費用。 歡迎具備IT產業工作經驗者加入! 【工作內容】 ・協助台灣方案與日本代理之間的技術窗口 ・協助日本代理商 處理 客戶案件實施系統安裝及架構規劃。 ・伺服器硬體安裝及網路環境設定問題處理。 ・支援公司產品硬體與軟體安裝。 【部門組成】 ・整體:38名員工 ・工程師團隊:約20名(分為4個小組) 【職缺魅力】 ・公司全額給付機票與簽證申請費用! ・公司研發產品不僅在日本,甚至是世界各地都備受矚目,並有機會參與政府案件! 【法定項目】 ・健康保險 ・厚生年金保險 ・雇用保險 ・職災保險 ・退休金 【公司福利】 ・獎金(一年2次,固定1個月,也可能隨業績狀況變動) ・業績獎金(依成交數) ・交通費(上限30000日圓) ・住宅津貼(20000日圓,依實際狀況為準) ・餐費(不包含在基本薪資) ・提供業務用手機(嚴禁私用) ・健康檢查(一年1次)
  • 月薪42500~49000元 台中市后里區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1.依照sop執行機台PM維護保養 2.機台操作,搬運物品5公斤,10~30次/天 3.依照SOP,使用板手或絲起子等工具,於設備端進行套件更換改機(機構與PCB板)以及維修工作 4.專案或改善案件協助 5.配合交辦事項執行 工作時間: 做四休三、做三休四 -日班7:30~19:30 /夜班 19:30~7:30 (四個月日夜輪班一次) -固定日班07:30-19:30 -固定夜班19:30-07:30 福利 1.期滿獎金2個月(滿一年在職可領取) 2.搭乘交通車免費(時段皆為七點半到七點半及常日班) 電子/電機/機械/工程工程相關科系 會使用板手或絲起子等工具
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台中市北區 工作經歷不拘 198天前更新
    1. ERP使用者問題排除、異常狀況處理。 2. 4GL程式客製開發維護、CR報表程式開發。 3. 異質系統資料整合。 4. 主管交辦事項。 5. 良好溝通能力和團隊合作。
  • 月薪42500~49000元 台中市后里區 工作經歷不拘 4天前更新
    1.依照sop執行機台PM維護保養 2.機台操作,搬運物品5公斤,10~30次/天 3.依照SOP,使用板手或絲起子等工具,於設備端進行套件更換改機(機構與PCB板)以及維修工作 4.專案或改善案件協助 5.配合交辦事項執行 工作時間: 做四休三、做三休四 -日班7:30~19:30 /夜班 19:30~7:30 (四個月日夜輪班一次) -固定日班07:30-19:30 -固定夜班19:30-07:30 福利 1.期滿獎金2個月(滿一年在職可領取) 2.搭乘交通車免費(時段皆為七點半到七點半及常日班) 電子/電機/機械/工程工程相關科系 會使用板手或絲起子等工具
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市松山區 3年工作經驗 3天前更新
    【工作說明】 1. 執行IT相關工作,例如障礙排除、系統修補、主機及網路建置部屬等 2. 分析資安事件並進行通報與案件追蹤 3. 資訊相關專案規劃 【工作時間】 周一到周五 09:00~18:00 【工作條件】 1. 熟悉Microsoft產品生態系之資安修補作業。有MCSE證照尤佳。 2. 熟悉Cisco/F5/Aruba等網路產品之設定及相關升級作業。有CCNA證照尤佳。 3. 熟悉VMware虛擬化平台之管理的運行。有VCP證照尤佳。 4. 五年以上實務經驗並對解決問題有熱情。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 工作經歷不拘 203天前更新
    職責要求 1. 具備Linux 知識 2. 系統定期維護、及服務上線與更新,協助完成日常運維工作 3. 熟悉TCP/IP & Domain 知識 4. 資料監控、緊急回應、軟硬體異常排除、編寫資料分析報告等 5. 應用偵測監控系統 ,掌握系統運作狀態 6. 具備MySQL知識 7. 有管理經驗,帶過10人MIS或運維團隊 8. 協助主管將技術方案整理成SOP,制定管理制度 9. 技術文檔優化,確保流程落地執行 任職資格 必備條件: 1.具備監控相關軟體使用知識(例如:Zabbix) 2.有建立安全網絡或在網絡中實施安全措施的經驗 3.細心負責,能協助主管制定規範流程 加分條件: 1.管理GCP,AWS網絡的經驗佳 2.具有VMware,Docker,Kubernetes和KVM的經驗佳 3.具有 GitHub 基礎知識佳 4.能夠讀懂Shell佳
  • 隨薪所欲