• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新竹市東區 10年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1.廠務部門工作計畫及運維管理(運維) 2.廠務系統日常運行管理、系統穩定度改善推動 (品質成本) 3.擴建及改善規劃推動(擴充) 4.跨部門溝通及專案推動 5.環保及工安相關規定熟悉 6.公司制度、文化、KPI推動落實 7.工程發包、現場監造、執行工程品質保證進度確認及驗收 8.興建廠房規劃、電力、空調、純廢水、氣體化學品、消訪等整合 7.具半導體廠12吋建廠廠務經驗者為優先考量 8.可配合海外出差
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1.負責Module類自動化設備整機結構設計, 包括方案設計、三維建模、二維製圖、樣品驗證及批量生產 2.負責產品結構件材質選型、成型工藝及表面處理方式制定 3.負責產品機構件BOM、組裝SOP等標準檔制定 4.負責產品安全認證測試中機構部分的跟進及結構優化
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 高雄市大寮區 8年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1.倉庫的建置,倉庫設施及布局規劃,含搬運設備 2.物流方案的設計與規劃,包括零件供應商來料至入庫流程,倉庫至產線,廠際運輸, 出庫至客戶端流程 3.第三方物流3PL的開發,運行及管理,含客戶端VMI倉建置 4.物流手冊的編制與維護 5.物流成本控制
  • 年薪1000000元 新北市土城區 1年工作經驗 6天前更新
    [1]致力於智能手機測試治具/自動化設計開發 [2]與客戶緊密合作,完成治具/自動化的設計方案、完成Build規劃及整個開發流程 [3]審查供應商設計方案(DFM)及設計圖紙(3D/2D) [4]跨部門合作,完成治具/自動化的校驗/DOE驗證/維護/問題分析解決/設計優化 [5]追蹤設計狀態,問題分析處理過程,完成常規報告並將情況及時反饋客戶。
  • 年薪1000000元 亞洲其它 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1.設計與最佳化電子產品組裝流程 2.SOP編寫與規格制定 3.產品組裝治具設計討論與驗證 4.導入半自動或全自動設備至組裝流程 5.協助客戶分析組裝/設計問題
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市大園區 1年工作經驗 4天前更新
    1. 專任機電監造工程師 2. 公共工程品管作業 及 具品管證照者 3. 具公共工程監造經驗 4. 協助推動專案之執行、管理、問題追蹤及解決。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1.負責推動數位轉型、管理全球語音系統的資源規劃、技術標準制定與整合等 2.產品領域為資訊系統、雲端技術、行動通訊技術等 3.工作地點為新北/高雄/海外
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 3年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 設計、規畫與執行企業內部的教育訓練 2. 校企產學合作規劃與執行
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 亞洲其它印度 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1. 通訊網路工程規劃/建置/管理 2. AD 網域建置管理、佈署 3. 硬體設備檢測、運維管理 4. 硬體架設、升級、採購 5. 作業系統安裝、辦公軟體安裝
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 亞洲其它 7年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. Develop appropriate management strategies of coordination of ESG, EHS, RBA, BCP, Carbon reduction, Waste diversion, Recycling and Cybersecurity. Understand and comply with relevant environmental laws and regulations. Ensure the company or organization‘s operational activities adhere to environmental regulations and assist in handling environmental legal matters. Internal Training and Education. 2. External: Understand and respond to customer ESG/EHS/RBA/BCP/Cybersecurity inquires - First escalation contact and liaison between customer and Foxconn via interface, communications and timely response. 3. Internal: Interface and connect ESG/EHS/RBA/BCP/Cybersecurity activities and Audit Compliance results with cross-functional department between Corporate and Sites. Alert, Escalate, Report and Publish progress and status to top management globally and timely. 4. Follow up, track and complete non-compliance issues with solutions among all Foxconn stakeholders collaboratively. 5. Develop, validate and maintain all written procedures in all Sites 6. Create and make Suggestions and Improvement Plans to streamline the overall ESG/EHS/RBA/BCP/Cybersecurity processes followed by training and best practices. 7. Keep track of, maintain and share the latest industry guidance and regulations with all Sites.
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市內湖區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    職責需求: 1.負責系統功能規劃與後端API服務開發、設計與維護 2.依照版控流程及自動化工具進行開發與部署 3.維運與部署程式於AWS環境 能力需求: 1.具版控流程實務經驗 2.熟悉Restful API設計及開發 3.具Java後端程式開發1年以上實務經驗 4.熟悉資料庫知識(MySQL) 5.具有良好的溝通能力和團隊配合能力
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    熟悉JAVA、Kotlin、Android SDK,並有Android App開發經驗2年以上。 - 熟悉使用Android Studio開發工具。 - 負責平板電腦與行動裝置 App設計與程式撰寫。 - 串接金流與發票相關開發作業。 - 具備JSON、XML等Web Service及串接Web API開發經驗1年以上。 - 具備資料庫使用經驗或觀念尤佳。 - 可獨立或與團隊合作,工作態度積極、負責,能配合公司規定。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市土城區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    <About the job> As the Senior Data Engineer or Data Architect, you‘ll join the various advanced Data Science & AI Projects in the corporate headquarters. As well as developing intelligent applications via related AI and Big Data Analytics Technology for digital transformation, you will have plenty of opportunities to develop emerging applications based on different use cases and expand your tech skillset in this world-class company (Fortune Global 500, 20th). <Job Description> *Type 1:Senior Data Engineer Responsible for acquiring data using API, Web scraping, or other data accessing protocol/scripting and developing the ETL data pipelines, and the data aggregation systems. Using software development experience to design and build high-performance automated systems. As below: 1. Data Processing (1)Data ETL(Extracting/Transforming/Loading) process engineering and querying from relational data management(such as SQL Script). (2)Building systematic data quality processes and checks to ensure data quality and accuracy. (3)Solid coding experience in Python or Java. 2. Data Pipeline Development (1)Develops a data integration process, including creating scalable data pipelines and building out data services/data APIs. (2)Create a data processing automation and monitoring mechanism by optimizing the data pipeline process. (3)Experience with dataflow/workflow/management tools, such as Apache Nifi, Apache Airflow, Azkaban, etc., is preferred. 3. Data Crawling (1)Build scalable tools that automate web crawling, scraping, and data aggregation from various web pages using frameworks such as Scrapy. (2)Accessing data from REST APIs, particularly in parsing data in disparate formats such as JSON and XML, and developing automated engineering. (3) (Nice to Have) Knowledge of server-based front-end/UI technologies, including Vue/React and HTML/CSS, is preferred. *Type 2:Data Architect Responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining scalable and reusable system architectures/data architectures for complex data structures and large data in data science and AI projects. As below: 1. Data Schema Design (1)Collaborate with the team to design DB/Table Schema and Data Schema. (2)Consolidate the requirements and use data engineering tech to design and implement a robust Data Mart. (3)Experience handling all kinds of structured/semi-structured/unstructured data and streaming data is preferred. (4)Hands-on experience with Dimensional Data Modeling(Column-based data warehouse) or NoSQL Schema design. 2. Data Platform Architecture (1)Design and build data infrastructure/platform components to support complex data pipelines ingesting various data from multiple internal and external data sources and processing. (2)Familiar with Big Data frameworks and processing technologies, ex: Hadoop, Apache Spark, NoSQL ...etc. (3)Familiar with AZURE or AWS cloud data services(hands-on experience with cloud infrastructure will be a plus) (4)Familiarity with the Linux OS environment, the Shell Scripting, and infrastructure knowledge. (5)(Nice to Have)Experience with declarative infrastructure/container technologies, such as Docker and Kubernetes (k8s/k3s). (Nice to Have).
  • 月薪46000~51000元 高雄市鼓山區 1年工作經驗 5天前更新
    1.執行管委會之決議 2.指揮監督所屬員工推行社區相關事項 3.訓練、考核、所屬員工 4.聯絡廠商 5.維護社區設備 6.處理住戶反映事項
  • 無經驗也能轉職成功,高雄台南+月薪三萬工作機會