• 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市汐止區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    【Overview】 We seek a full-time Marine Sales Specialist in Taiwan, New Taipei City. In this role, you will be responsible for developing new retail sales and cultivating and expanding relationships with Garmin specialty and/or technical dealers as well as being an alternate point of contact for many of our partners which includes but is not limited to existing marine accounts and installing dealer networks. This position will travel to major tradeshows and periodic regional events as well as support onsite meetings with customers and industry partners especially in Japan market. 【Essential Functions】 • Resolve basic customer concerns regarding Garmin products and services via phone calls, email inquiries, chats and social media/web formats. • Display strong customer support skills and always maintain professional interactions with Garmin customers and co-workers. • Become knowledgeable in the specifications, capabilities and operation of Garmin products. • Remain current on changes in policies, procedures, and product offerings. • Accurate and timely completion of tasks and/or projects of basic complexity within a defined process • Thoroughly document work in an organized and timely manner • Work a consistent and reliable schedule as identified by management 【Basic Qualifications】 • Bachelor’s Degree • Personal or professional demonstrated technical aptitude, problem solving and troubleshooting ability • Demonstrates a customer service focus with proven experience in relationship building and providing quality customer service experiences. • Demonstrates strong and effective verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills and must be an articulate/fluent communicator who is at ease with public speaking. • Must exhibit professionalism, be team-oriented, possess a positive attitude, work well with others and have excellent time management and follow-up skills • Flexibility to travel (50-75% of time or greater depending on division requirements) 【Desired Qualifications】 • Excellent product knowledge of communication and navigation systems • Demonstrates initiative in suggesting/executing individual, team, and strategic objectives. • Demonstrates a proficient fundamental understanding of the sales division’s products and segment’s industry. • Extensive personal experience in fishing and boating • Business to Business sales
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 新北市汐止區 3年工作經驗 今天剛更新
    【Overview】 We seek a full-time Marine Regional Sales Manager in Taiwan, New Taipei City. In this role, you will be responsible for developing new retail sales and cultivating and expanding relationships with Garmin specialty and/or technical dealers as well as being an alternate point of contact for many of our partners which includes but is not limited to existing marine accounts and installing dealer networks. This position will travel to major tradeshows and periodic regional events as well as support onsite meetings with customers and industry partners. 【Essential Functions】 • Develop and execute strategies to increase market share/profits, establish/execute sales plans/sales promotions, and prepare/maintain monthly sales forecasts. • Responsible for attaining sales targets. • Work closely with business partners to develop new programs for retail/consumer use. • Leverage product knowledge to create sales strategies attractive to potential dealers. • Develop, maintain, and share Garmin product knowledge with dealers. • Create and make sales presentations to prospects and existing accounts. • Communicate market requirements effectively to product development teams. • With little/no supervision, able to travel, coordinate, and represent Garmin at industry and professional meetings, trade shows and conferences and complete timely and succinct trip/status reports. 【Basic Qualifications】 • Bachelor’s Degree AND a minimum of 3 years’ experience in sales and marketing with a proven track record in meeting sales targets OR a minimum of 5 years relevant experience • Highly motivated sales professional who demonstrates a proven track record of sales successes • Demonstrates a customer service focus with proven experience in relationship building and providing quality customer service experiences. • Demonstrates strong and effective verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills and must be an articulate/fluent communicator who is at ease with public speaking. • Flexibility to travel (50-75% of time or greater depending on division requirements) 【Desired Qualifications】 • Bachelor’s Degree • Excellent product knowledge of communication and navigation systems • Demonstrates initiative in suggesting/executing individual, team, and strategic objectives. • Demonstrates a proficient fundamental understanding of the sales division’s products and segment’s industry. • Extensive personal experience in fishing and boating • Business to Business sales experience
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 台北市北投區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    主責應用程式穩定運行,並提供使用者技術支援。 1. 應用程式支援和維護: • 負責使用者日常作業的問題解決。 • 應用程式運行問題及錯誤之故障排除。 • 分析問題根本原因,並提出解決方案包括程式Bugs、參數錯誤、人為錯誤及資料錯誤等造成應用運作的問題。 • 負責系統參數修改、修正程式的測試以及支援程式佈署。 2. 技術支援與解決問題: • 提供用戶和其他團隊的技術支援,解答關於應用程式操作和功能等問題。 • 與開發團隊合作解決較複雜的技術問題,推動問題解決流程。
  • 月薪40000~40000元 桃園市龜山區 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
  • 月薪45000~50000元 高雄市鳳山區 2年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1.健保住診申報、補報、抽審、申復、爭審、審帳及稽核等相關業務。 2.熟知健保局及衛生局相關規定及配合執行申報業務。 3.健保申報相關統計、DRG分析、因應、檢討業務。 4.其他主管交辦事項。
  • 月薪100000元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    一﹑熟悉檢驗儀器、生化、血液、尿液及其他檢驗操作等。 二﹑行政業務處理。
  • 月薪60000~90000元 高雄市鳳山區 1年工作經驗 6天前更新
    1. 具骨科、肝膽腸胃科、泌尿科經者為佳。 2.需有拉勾經驗。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市八德區 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    🔥【合億團隊】現正擴大規模中🔥 請給【合億團隊】一個改變自己的機會! 我們有資深同仁陪同指導,讓您不再孤軍奮戰, 我們有最堅強的團隊資源,讓您沒有後顧之憂。 我們的工作內容強調札實的基本功,簡單的事重複做! 1、房地產買賣(租賃)銷售服務及諮詢 2、為客戶提供良好,貼心專業的服務 3、提供買賣雙方,資源共享 4、完整行銷資源:科技經紀人APP行動工具輔助成交維繫客戶 5、全省物件流通,物件曝光平台多,成交速度快。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市八德區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    🔥【合億團隊】現正擴大規模中🔥 請給【合億團隊】一個改變自己的機會! 我們有資深同仁陪同指導,讓您不再孤軍奮戰, 我們有最堅強的團隊資源,讓您沒有後顧之憂。 我們的工作內容強調札實的基本功,簡單的事重複做! 1、房地產買賣/租賃服務及諮詢 2、提供專業且高效率的服務 3、快速締結買賣雙方達成滿意成交 4、提供安心且完善的不動產交易流程
  • 月薪43000~45000元 新北市板橋區 1年工作經驗 10天前更新
    1.監督水電工程現場施工。 2.水電消防配管配線、高低壓電氣設備安裝。 3.按照藍圖進行高低壓配電線路施工、電路維修及電器設備安裝。 4.一般建築物的供水與消防給水管路的簡單基本設計、施工與維護,含污水、排水系統。 5.照明燈具、開關插座安裝、火警消防設備安裝、UPS不斷電設備安裝。 6.發電機設備安裝、電纜架、匯流銅排設備安裝、電話、對講機設備安裝。
  • 月薪55000元 高雄市鳳山區 工作經歷不拘 6天前更新
    1.病人身體理學檢查之初步評估及病情詢問。 2.記錄病人病情及各項檢查、檢驗結果。 3.處理病人及其家屬醫學諮詢及病情說明。 4.在醫囑及醫師指示下,得開立檢驗、檢查申請單。 5.在醫囑及醫師指示下,得開立領藥單。
  • 月薪45000元 屏東縣內埔鄉 工作經歷不拘 2天前更新
    1.具愛心、耐心,有心長期致力身心障礙領域之工作者。 2.服務對象營養保健、藥事服務 3.與醫療院所各項醫護合作計畫之規劃、執行及聯繫協調。 4.服務對象之預防接種、衛生教育及各項健康檢查及檢驗。 5.服務對象之健康服務及其家屬之衛教諮詢。 6.服務對象之藥物使用評估、藥物諮詢。 7.醫護相關行政業務之辦理。 8.其他上級交辦事項。 ––––––––––- 有關迦南 迦南身心障礙養護院 位於國立屏東科技大學旁 上下班路程 路大不塞車 照顧的個案都是社會最弱勢的無依老憨兒, 在迦南不只是單純一份工作, 也是在行善積德~平安喜樂~
  • 月薪41000~45000元 屏東縣內埔鄉 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.具愛心、耐心,有心長期致力身心障礙領域之工作者。 2.服務對象營養保健、藥事服務 3.與醫療院所各項醫護合作計畫之規劃、執行及聯繫協調。 4.服務對象之預防接種、衛生教育及各項健康檢查及檢驗。 5.服務對象之健康服務及其家屬之衛教諮詢。 6.服務對象之藥物使用評估、藥物諮詢。 7.醫護相關行政業務之辦理。 8.其他上級交辦事項。 ––––––––––- 有關迦南 迦南身心障礙養護院 位於國立屏東科技大學旁 上下班路程 路大不塞車 照顧的個案都是社會最弱勢的無依老憨兒, 在迦南不只是單純一份工作, 也是在行善積德~平安喜樂~
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 桃園市八德區 工作經歷不拘 3天前更新
    🔥【合億團隊】現正擴大規模中🔥 請給【合億團隊】一個改變自己的機會! 我們有資深同仁陪同指導,讓您不再孤軍奮戰, 我們有最堅強的團隊資源,讓您沒有後顧之憂。 【合億團隊】想找這樣的您: 1、喜歡與人溝通但不想風吹日曬雨淋 2、希望工作有簡單的挑戰性、不想領死薪 我們會讓您學習到: 1、有效的溝通技巧 2、解決問題、數字目標管理的能力 3、房地產第一手資訊 我們主要需要您透過電話或郵件方式, 持續追蹤、經營並維護既有的客戶, 並完成主管交代事項即可。
  • 隨薪所欲