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東北亞日本 職缺共

  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.專案執行 2.從事相關系統程式開發、管理與維護,及客戶服務與支援 3.確認軟體程式的目的與功能,進行程序開發及測試 4.從事電腦軟體的程式設計、修改、安裝、測試及維護 5.有相關經驗: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and jQuery 6.熟悉Python, Django, and Postgres (experiences with other platforms,, such as PHP, JSP, etc., are also welcome)尤佳。 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.從事電腦軟體的程式設計、修改、安裝、測試及維護 2.從事相關系統程式開發、管理與維護,及客戶服務與支援 3.手機APP分析/設計、程式碼之撰寫與除錯、系統維護/操作文件產出 4.進行軟體之測試與修改, 並與現有系統銜接與整合 5.團隊合作方式開發創新的產品 6.精通熟悉APP應用程式開發的程式語言(例如:AJAX、ASP、NET、C#、Web Master/Developer、jQuery、ASP.NET、swift、java..等) 7.具備 App 效能優化及基礎維護能力 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. Python系統開發 2.既有程式優化及修正並開發新功能 3.參與規劃執行軟體架構及模組之設計 4.具備 Git 版本管控 (GitLab)使用經驗 5.了解Web框架如 Flask、Django 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    能夠編寫網站原始碼 能夠自主對網站進行提案規劃 能夠熟練運用Word Press、SEO優化、php、HTML。 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. 配合專案日語翻譯及談判工作。 2. 國外合作案件推動。 3. 開發/引進日本業務、產品、技術及建立合作關係。 4. 協助辦理外購項目之供應商、議價、採購及跟催。 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1.依公司或顧客需求,做大型事件行銷規劃及執行、資料分析及市場調查 2.規劃公司或顧客對外的行銷活動與媒體活動,並對其效益進行分析與建議 3.與各部門溝通,以了解產品特色,為企劃案發想 4.負責撰寫行銷企畫書、新聞稿 5.銷售工具選擇、執行產品設計包裝、建立品牌價值 6.對外企業網站相關內容與服務之規劃、網站前後台功能及整體動線的規劃 7.規劃行銷活動網站、企業網站、電子報、EDM、企業部落格之網頁及各種宣傳文案的設計、製作 8.規劃網站內容及產品網路品牌推廣活動 9.網站經營與管理、網路活動設計 10.網路廣告素材企劃維護及效益管理 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    條件:日語聽說讀寫流利。 工作內容: 1. 負責總經理工作行程之規劃安排,並隨行陪同。 2. 會議參與,追蹤佈達之任務,及時掌握事情進度回報總經理與團隊進度 3. 協助各項業務推展,並與跨部門溝通、協調,完成各項任務。 4. 具有良好的溝通表達能力和商務對談能力。 5. 熟練運用辦公軟體,包括文書處理、表格製作、日程管理等。 6. 協助總經理對外之溝通,客戶接待相關事宜,建立與維護客戶關係。 7.日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 面議(經常性薪資達4萬元或以上) 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    web前台開發 - 開發網路儲存產品上的Web前端程式 - 開發 WordPress 的網站項目 其他條件 - 精通HTML、CSS和JavaScript,具有優秀的前端開發技能。 - 熟悉React、Vue.js或Angular等主流前端框架,並有實際專案開發經驗。 - 具有豐富的WordPress主題開發和定製經驗。  * 熟悉WordPress的核心功能。  * 能夠開發自訂主題和外掛,並進行WordPress網站的優化和維護。 日本東京本地株式會社直招,可辦理高度人才在留資格,可攜配偶及子女一起常住日本,享受各種日本國民福利。
  • 月薪40000~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. Assisting senior butlers or head butlers in providing personalized service to guests in specific staterooms, including room cleaning, tidying, and decorating. 2. Assisting guests with embarkation and disembarkation procedures, including luggage handling and arrangements. 3. Providing food and beverage service, such as delivering meals, drinks, and snacks to guests, and assisting in arranging dining times and locations. 4. Assisting guests in arranging shore excursions and tours, providing necessary information and recommendations. 5. Addressing guests‘ needs and complaints, resolving them promptly to ensure guest satisfaction. 6. Coordinating with other departments to ensure timely fulfillment of guest requests. 7. Providing high-level customer service to ensure guests have a pleasant and comfortable experience on the cruise ship.
  • 月薪40100~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. Managing and leading the butler team to ensure they provide high-quality personalized service. 2. Coordinating and arranging guests‘ needs, including room cleaning, food and beverage service, and itinerary arrangements. 3. Overseeing the daily operations of specific staterooms to ensure guests enjoy a premium service experience. 4. Handling guest complaints and issues, resolving them promptly and ensuring guest satisfaction. 5. Coordinating with other departments to ensure guest needs are met, such as with the dining department, guest services, etc. 6. Accommodating guests‘ special requests, such as dietary preferences, celebrations, etc. 7. Ensuring the confidentiality and respect of guests‘ personal information and needs. 8. Providing support and assistance during various activities and events onboard.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    1. Providing personalized service to guests in specific staterooms, including cleaning, tidying, and decorating the room. 2. Assisting guests with embarkation and disembarkation procedures, including luggage handling and arrangements. 3. Offering food and beverage service, such as delivering meals, drinks, and snacks to guests, and arranging dining times and locations. 4. Assisting guests in arranging shore excursions and tours, providing necessary information and recommendations. 5. Addressing guests‘ needs and complaints to ensure guest satisfaction. 6. Coordinating with other departments to ensure prompt fulfillment of guest requests. 7. Providing high-level customer service to ensure guests have a pleasant and comfortable experience on the cruise ship.
  • 月薪40010~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    As a YC Waiter, this employee is primarily responsible for providing food and beverage service to guests within the Yacht Club. They may be tasked with greeting guests, recommending menu items, taking orders, serving meals, and clearing tables. They need to ensure that guests‘ needs are promptly met and provide a high level of customer service experience.
  • 月薪40040~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    As a YC Head Waiter, this individual holds a leadership role within the Yacht Club onboard. They are responsible for coordinating and managing the service team to ensure the provision of high-quality dining experiences. Their duties may include developing service procedures and standards, training new staff, overseeing service quality, and addressing guest concerns and complaints. Additionally, they may be tasked with liaising with other departments to ensure smooth operations and customer satisfaction within the Yacht Club. This position typically requires excellent leadership abilities, team management skills, effective communication, and a strong commitment to customer service.
  • 月薪27936~150000元 東北亞日本 工作經歷不拘 今天剛更新
    As a YC Asst. Waiter, this employee is likely responsible for providing food and beverage service to guests within the Yacht Club. They may assist waitstaff in delivering food and drinks to guests‘ tables, help maintain cleanliness and orderliness in the restaurant, ensure guests‘ needs are met, and provide high-level customer service. This position may require excellent teamwork skills, good communication abilities, and sensitivity to customer needs.
  • 幸福企業